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Valenties Day!

I like Valentine's Day. c: Its also my boyfriend's birthday, so I can spoil him with a bunch of presents. He's surprisingly easy to shop for, too. I just buy him a TON of candy and we share it. ♥
Considering I don't have anyone to date because no one is sensible at this age and no one likes me (I'm pretty sure), I'll probably end up watching drag race and eating a ****ton of candy.
well it's fun to see because of valentine cards and pickup lines :lemon:
Personally I like it. c: I know everybody whines about how it's commercialised and it bums you out when you're single, but I think it's cute. I'm not much of a romantic, but I love seeing everything decorated, all of the cute displays in the stores. I just think it's a nice idea, throw red confetti around and remind people how much you love them. Plus, chocolate? I mean, come on.

And as others have said, I am on those chocolate sales the next day like a hawk. :cool:
Ah, Valentine's Day.
I personally like it haha.
My favorite part being seeing those sweet TV specials.
I'll probably be getting a nice dinner and catching a movie with my gal.
And passing these exclusive Valentine's cards to my chums.

Ah, Valentine's Day.
I personally like it haha.
My favorite part being seeing those sweet TV specials.
I'll probably be getting a nice dinner and catching a movie with my gal.
And passing these exclusive Valentine's cards to my chums.


Where are you taking me, bae?
If you love love so much, why don't you celebrate it every single day?

Oh sure yay you love love, you love to celebrate your love for someone, so why couldn't you do that the other 364 days of the year? Surely you should be able to treat your lover with as much love and kindness every single day and treat them as much as you can and well.. Just ALWAYS do special things for them. :\ Idk it's just a bit stupid to me, it's a waste of a holiday.

i love life but i dont celebrate my birthday every day? if you love to celebrate your love for life so much, why can't you do that the other 364 days of the year? Surely you should be able to treat your life with as much love and kindness every single day and treat it as much as you can and well.. Just ALWAYS do special things for yourself. :\ Idk it's just a bit stupid to me, it's a waste of a holiday.

And I don't see how it's a waste of a holiday LOL it's not like we're only allowed X holidays per year, and valentines day is taking up a spot where we could have another holiday?? If there was no valentines day, there'd be no valentines day, and no other holiday to replace it on a different day????/ I do't see how that is a "waste"

that isn't meant to sound *****y, but do you get my drift?
No one is stopping you from celebrating or expressing it any other day of the year, it's just this one day a year which has universal value and meaning to everyone - on a set day each year (like Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, independence day, etc).
A birthday/Christmas/Easter/whatever is a day to celebrate a significant event which happened on that day - and I'm almost certain there's some significance for Feb 14th which gives us a reason to celebrate Valentines day, the only difference is that it's not as well known as other celebration events. Every single holiday has meaning behind it, so I don't see why Valentine's Day is treated as "pointless" simply because the origins behind it aren't as well known as other holidays???? I highly doubt one day someone woke up and was like "hey lets make feb 14th be a day to celebrate love just because lelelel xoxox", no, there is defs a reason behind it (which I am too lazy to research), so just because you could do it any other day is not a reason to belittle it because that's just like saying you can celebrate your birthday whenever you want, because you can't, your birthday is a certain day with value to you, and a day to celebrate your life, just like valentines day, except you celebrate love.

That said, I've never actually taken valentines day seriously and always see it as a small, fun little holiday.
I'm not bothered by Valentine's Day, but it really is just a commercialized holiday.. just like every other holiday basically.
valentine's day means there's a lot of video games coming out that my boyfriend can get me
Valentine's Day means spending a day celebrating my toddler's birth and then me and my boyfriend crashing after a long day of children, presents, cupcakes and streamers ^_^

Maybe I'll get a present but as long as she's happy I'm happy.