.::/*Valentines Day Signature Competition*\::.


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Mar 7, 2009
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<big><big><big><big><big><big><big>Valentines Day!</big></big></big></big></big></big></big>

<big><big>~Love is in the air~</big></big>

Hello. As you see Valentines day is coming up and as I have promised, I am going to make a signature competition about it.
I think that Valentines will be one of the best Seasonal Signature competitions yet as you can gain a lot of inspiration from it.


Now, The theme will be.. <big><big><big><big>LOVE!</big></big></big></big>. Make a signature to do about love, couples, kissing, family or anything that is related to Valentines day.

  • No Nude
  • No Ripping off other websites.
  • No Alts while voting
  • No asking anyone else to make you a signature.


Winner = 1,000 TBTB's = Gold Chocolate Medal
Finalists = 750 TBTB's = Silver Chocolate Medal
Semi Finalists = 500TBT's = Bronze Chocolate Medal
Quarter Finalists = 250TBT's = Candy Cane Medal



  • malesretmit12
  • Bitrermeat
  • Luvbun
  • kalinn
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Hope this goes well! Enjoy!</span>
@Hal: Yeah, I've got ashwee, I need 2 more. You can be the judge.
@Gnome: Sorry :p
@Chubsterr: Adding you to the list.
Can I join? Also can you and/ or new year since its on the same day this year... :3
Sure Nixe and what did you save after that, can't understand it :p .
Man.. I'm so sick :X
So I herd there was going to be judges.

I can has?
EDIT: Nvm, realized Muffun already signed up. FFFFUUUUU-
I need 4 Judges so you Jack and Alfred you can be the last two.
My Other two are Muffun and ashwee ^_^