.::/*Valentines Day Signature Competition*\::.

Josh. said:
I need 4 Judges so you Jack and Alfred you can be the last two.
My Other two are Muffun and ashwee ^_^
(How's the game going? I've been recording, but Lately, I've been really sick and my voice is bad, so I have to work on it later. XP)
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Sig ;p</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
Josh. said:
@Hal: Yeah, I've got ashwee, I need 2 more. You can be the judge.
@Gnome: Sorry :p
@Chubsterr: Adding you to the list.
I'll work on it right now. <;D

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Here it is.. kind of rushed.</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
only two sigs entered so far, but they look good :)

i think the last day for entries is the 10th
Ah I see, But I can't do 2 Signature competitions at once, It'll be confusing :p .
Maybe you can host one and I can help?
Nope, Sign ups end tommorow.
Also ashwee we'll see when sign ups close ^_^
hmmm, only kierra and bittermeat posted signatures for the competition. any last minute signatures?