Giveaway Various collectibles for the TBT community! Winners Announced!!

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this is awfully generous of you, thank you!

i?d like to enter for the sweets collection and my favourite dessert is cheesecake!
I'd like to please enter for the character collection! :)

My favorite character has been k.k slider since animal crossing population growing! I always look forward to his performances every Saturday evening and love having a growing collection of his music to choose from at home. :cool:
The Winners Are!! *Drumroll*

For the Sweets Collection


For the Fruit Collection

First Place (12 Cherries) --> Jas

Second Place/Runner Up (Assorted Fruit Prize) --> Velo

Third Place --> Dubious Delphine

For the Character Collection


Runner-Up --> Kub

For the Flower Collection

sunflowerhippie *lul*

For the Warmth Collection

The only one who I entered in due to correctly following the directions --> Jas

Note: If Jas does not want the Warmth Collection (now inluding the gemstone) and instead decides either the fruit collection or character collection as his/her prize, then I will enter all the non-winners who followed the directions to be entered into one of the giveaways.

These members are:

1. faiiry
2. Corrie
3. Shendere
4. Nougat
5. HMCaprica
6. Azrael
7. corlee1289
8. Mayor Monday
9. Flyffel
10. Rosewater
14. *DubiousDelphine* (Only if Jas instead picks character collection as his/her prize)
15. ahousar97
16. Scrapper
17. Mary
18. *Kub* (Only if Jas instead picks fruit collection as his/her prize)
19. lazyislander
20. Revolucionaria
21. BluebearL
22. Stella-Io
23. GnomeSlice
24. StarLiteDragon
25. Pnixie
26. Halloqueen
27. JoJoCan
28. allainah
29. sleepydreepy
30. Cheryll
31. Emolga59
32. enleft
33. will.

If anyone on the above list wants to be dropped from the Warmth Collection (if Jas decides not to receive this prize), please let me know via VM or PM or leave a comment here and plz ping me by liking this comment.

Btw, I am using this website to randomize the results.

Finally, here are the runner-ups for the sweets collection and the flower collection just for kicks.



Thank you all who participated! :D I will be doing the results for the Warmth Collection hopefully tomorrow or Friday around the same time, but it more depends on when the winners notify me for when they are able to pick-up and if they want any custom messages.
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love how iโ€™m the runner-up lol, but congrats to all the winners! <3
Haha glad to be a runner up! Thanks again for hosting this giveaway, and congrats to all the winners! :blush: <3
Haha glad to be a runner up! Thanks again for hosting this giveaway, and congrats to all the winners! :blush: <3

You might "win" after all depending on which collection Jas goes for. haha ;)

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Oh yeah I also found some interesting flowers that I would like to highlight that were some of the users' favorites.

Those are the moon flower because I love the name of it. As well as, babys breath because I'm flabbergasted that there is actually a flower with that name lul!
whoa, thank you!! โค

Congrats and yw!

Would you like any messages? Feel free to take your time on this. I'll just send them over either today or tomorrow or when you decide on what messages you would like :) I can do emojis too btw. From this site -->

And I can think of some messages if you can't. I don't mind!
WHOA oh my gosh!!! thank you so much - i would love the character collection if that is okay! congratulations to all the winners!!!

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(also any messages you can think of would be lovely - thank you SO much i'm over the moon!!!)
WHOA oh my gosh!!! thank you so much - i would love the character collection if that is okay! congratulations to all the winners!!!

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(also any messages you can think of would be lovely - thank you SO much i'm over the moon!!!)

Which means Velo won the first prize for fruit collection while DubiousDelphine takes runner-up! Congrats!

You can expect your collectibles prize at least by the end of the week Jas. I will probably need some time to think of some really clever messages :p

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And I'm sorry Kub. On the bright side, you may still win the Warmth Collection if you're up for it :)

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Update: The Sweets Collection has been delivered.

Congrats again to Snowesque!
Omg really? Aaaah thank you so much <3<3 Kinda fun I'd win that one too hehe. Thank you so so much for doing this and grats to everyone <3
Which means Velo won the first prize for fruit collection while DubiousDelphine takes runner-up! Congrats!

You can expect your collectibles prize at least by the end of the week Jas. I will probably need some time to think of some really clever messages :p

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And I'm sorry Kub. On the bright side, you may still win the Warmth Collection if you're up for it :)

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Update: The Sweets Collection has been delivered.

Congrats again to Snowesque!

Ah congrats Jas! And no worries :blush: Iโ€™d love to be entered into the warmth collection!
COngrats to the winners! This was super sweet of you to host โ™ฅ
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