Verdict For Call of Duty: World At War?

I have it, I'm also on my first prestiege. You're asking for an opinion on the Wii version? Well...
Unlike the 360/PS3 versions, there is no zombie mode, which is just basically a survival horror thing. Last as long as you can basically.. yeah, Wii doesn't got that. ;.;
The online is pretty good though, however there is only deathmatch. So no Capture the Flag or Bomb squad or anything like that. It's still a very good game though but if you also have a 360/PS3 you should get that version instead. If only a Wii, it's still a pretty good buy. I saw a score of 8.0 on IGN if that helps you a bit.
If you have a 360 or PS3, then I highly suggest you get it for though systems rather than the Wii. If you only own a Wii, then get it! It is a great game overall.
stupid for wii, other consoles i'm sure its just OK.

the wii can't handle that great of graphcis so it's even worse for wii o_O
Why did you post so many times in a row? If no one posts right away, be patient.
I still play the NES....the NES has what you call "Bad Graphics" yet it is one of the most popular video gaming systems in the world. Graphics mean absolutely nothing. Gameplay accounts for 95% of a game.
I have it for the Wii and I do agree that it is a great game, however, I played the Xbox360 version and on XboxLive you are able to play in over 10 modes while for the Wii wifi you only get about 2. But, the Xbox360 controls are some of the worst controls for a video game I've ever played while the Wii controls fit perfectly.
Tennis=Life said:
I have it for the Wii and I do agree that it is a great game, however, I played the Xbox360 version and on XboxLive you are able to play in over 10 modes while for the Wii wifi you only get about 2. But, the Xbox360 controls are some of the worst controls for a video game I've ever played while the Wii controls fit perfectly.
Yeah, I agree. I played my friends CoD 5 version on the 360 and it's just much better in modes but the controls feel kinda shaky. I just like how the upper part of the Wii remote has all if not most of the actions you need and the aiming is just smooth. Also, the connection for wifi is awesome and there are only laggy matches if the host has a bad connection.

Oh yeah, why don't you play anymore T=L? I'm thinking you rented it instead of buying it..