Very Important.


Visual aid^ could ya please be more descriptive?
Hybrid flowers or not, it's still rude to trample or steal them.
Mint, I was asking to see if I could help. I'd be glad to give you some more flowers. As for hybrids, I only have orange pansies.
Are you referring to this user? :confused: I don't know, but creating a new account just to complain about someone makes it seem disingenuine. Considering that this is simply about flowers going missing then it may have just been an accident/misunderstanding. Maybe you should talk to him before bringing it up here like this?
Mary, I had no way of knowing that from your initial post.

Are you referring to this user? :confused: I don't know, but creating a new account just to complain about someone makes it seem disingenuine. Considering that this is simply about flowers going missing then it may have just been an accident/misunderstanding. Maybe you should talk to him before bringing it up here like this?
It appears to have been a different TBT user and not that Joey.
I agree, it would be best to take this up with the Joey in private instead of making a board about it.

I've had flowers trampled and stolen before too. I hope you'll be able to regrow the hybrid that you lost. :c Good luck!
I have actually wifi'd with Niall. It wasn't my town, but it wasn't his town either...someone else's. He never did anything wrong. He never left all of a sudden. When he left he said "Bye" and then left like 3 minutes after. The host never said anything was missing from his town. I bet the flowers were just trampled by mistake and this "Joey" will apologize, if he even feels he should after seeing all this go down. O_e
Mint, it's all good. I should have stated my intention. Ihatejoey, you should take this up with Joey. I'd be glad to give you some flowers though.
Guys that is my brother. He is totally lyin. He dosent even have a 3ds. Dont believe him. He justwants to ruin everything.