Villager dialogue about preparing for Toy Day


Senior Member
May 2, 2020
I got some new villager dialogue today about Toy Day. I saw some posts a couple weeks back that suggested we wouldn't need to prepare beforehand (I think this was based on datamining, even though the event is time locked?), but this dialogue makes it seem like we do need to prepare? I'm a little confused now.

My main question is - are we going to need to buy all the toys for our villagers, or will we be delivering toys Jingle gives us?


I'm wondering as well. I haven't been able to find a clear answer. It looks like for Jingle's items/diys (sleigh, wrapping paper, present stack) we deliver his presents.
So I'm wondering if maybe wrapping presents ourselves to give whether they gift themed items or just random as usual...

From what I saw, it looks like Jingle only gives 6 presents to deliver. So, I feel a bit bad (heh) that the rest don't get I guess it'll be good to prep my own gifts as well lol.
man, this whole event confuses the heck outta me... i remember the last event we had to prepare for (halloween??) they told us well in advance that we needed to start collecting, so if this event was the same way, i would thing they would do the same? but this new dialogue you're seeing tells me otherwise. *sigh* i don't know. i'll probably wrap up some nice things for my villagers just in case.