It doesn't look like the villagers have any dialogue, at least not from the little trailers we saw...but who knows. It's obviously still in the works so they might add more things. c:
When i was watching it on Nintendo direct, they mentioned something about designing their house to their requests (i think? i was too busy screaming) so they probably tell you what way or style they want you to design their house.
I would imagine that if the villagers even have any dialogue in this game, it will be sparse. It doesn't seem like Nintendo is focusing on any other aspect other than design.
The only dialogue they'll probably have is to tell you what they want their house to look like and what they think about your interior design for them.
I think it's just homes and that's all no game interaction besides, they should have saved this and included it in a full game as yes they see we like to decorate but we like it because they are our villagers we interact with...sad it's not a full on game and held off until included in one...personally.
I agree that there probably won't be much dialogue since that's not the focus of the game but that doesn't mean there won't be any dialogue at all. In fact, I think there probably will be, at least when the villager is asking you to decorate their homes and telling you which style they want and reacting to your work. Maybe also a couple of simple lines that villagers might say when they visit the finished house.
I get the feeling that the only dialogue will be directly gameplay-related, so when they tell you what they want the house to look like, and then when you're done and they tell you if they like it or not.