Villager Exchange Thread

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Jacques is moving out on the 25th!

I'd take any of these villagers for him: Fauna, Diana, Kyle, Marshal, Tiffany, Merengue, Zucker, Fang, Chief, Freya, Wolfgang, Skye, Felicity, Moe, Merry, Lolly, or Molly.
I may accept bell offers if they're high enough.

PM me if you're interested in him!
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Shari is moving out.
Take her if she's your dream villager.
I'll be afk for 2-3 hours, so I hopt the taker is online then.
Drop me a PM :) Please don't quote me here since I'll be going out for a while.
First come, first served (I check by the PM date XD)
Gonna post this again. Lookin' for Bob the Cat.
Yes, I know he is a very popular character, but he's my dream villager and I would be the happiest AC-er if I had him. I could pay some, I guess, not millions of bells, though . I have a ton of bamboo shoots saved, if that helps.

I would be willing to trade Drago, my lazy Dragon villager, for Bob. I could to time travel to get him to pack up. Dunno if he's wanted, though.

Thanks a ton! It's a long shot, but I thought I might as well give it a go.

Le bumpies. Offering 1 million bells and a 7-11 set for him. :rolleyes:
She is really cute. I think I'm going to keep her. Sorry!
I recently had Julian move in. I see he's on your dream list. I'm not sure if I want to keep him. If you have any other cute villagers, I might consider.
I recently had Julian move in. I see he's on your dream list. I'm not sure if I want to keep him. If you have any other cute villagers, I might consider.

I have Cranston and bones and I also have fang if your interested! I think There're all pretty cute!
-boops signature-

- - - Post Merge - - -

what do you want for wolfgang?
a really good offer as im a littel fond of him, but i dont LIKE him... none of the villagers you currently have UFT... not too fond of pigs, frogs or mouses and i already have a bear (teddy)
a really good offer as im a littel fond of him, but i dont LIKE him... none of the villagers you currently have UFT... not too fond of pigs, frogs or mouses and i already have a bear (teddy)

would you take bells?
I'm looking for the following:

I have these up for trade:


PM if you are intrested!
I am looking forRODEO. There is no other lazy villager I want more. I only have puck to offer atm, but I am willing to pay bells for Rodeo. PM me if you have him moving out.
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