Villager Exchange Thread

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Looking for to reserve: Tangy, Marshal, Samson
Up for trade for them: Mitzi, Stinky, Lopez
omg of course I'm watching Free, it has become my life im absolutely in love with it (along with Attack on Titan)

I stopped watching anime because of AC lol but Ive been missing Attack on Titan :( & Im about to google Free!
Chrissy (Reserved?)
Pietro (Not for trade)
Rosie (Not for trade)
Muffy (Not for trade)

Seeking (In order):
omg of course I'm watching Free, it has become my life im absolutely in love with it (along with Attack on Titan)

I'm watching Kamisama Hajimema****e, cause I read the manga (but only half of the series) before it became popular, so o decided to take a shot at the anime and its making me fangirl like no tomorrow...

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Oh great. They blurred out a japanese word. xD
Fine. Kamisama Kiss, as translated owo
Mostly looking for Octavian - will pay a pretty generous amount for that guy :] Also interested in Ruby, but Octavian is my #1 priority.

I have Sydney and Poncho in my town and I am working on getting a move out prompt from them if anyone is interested
I stopped watching anime because of AC lol but Ive been missing Attack on Titan :( & Im about to google Free!

Gahhh Attack on Titan just keeps getting better and better and its slowly becoming my life and I really hope there are a ton of amazing cosplayers at Comic Con in october ;u;

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How do you do this?

If you mean this as in trade villagers you can either offer villagers or bells on someones villager and once that persons (or your) villager decides to move you visit them on moving day when their boxes are packed and you convince them to move to your town c:
I'm watching Kamisama Hajimema****e, cause I read the manga (but only half of the series) before it became popular, so o decided to take a shot at the anime and its making me fangirl like no tomorrow...

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh great. They blurred out a japanese word. xD
Fine. Kamisama Kiss, as translated owo

looks more like they blurred out part of the word.
Censorship, it needs to take it easy sometimes. Yukkuri ****eite ne~
does anyone want bianca? she moved in a few days ago, and i thought someone might want her, im looking for Lolly, Kitty or Ruby, thanks!
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