Villager Exchange Thread

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Current Villagers:

Sydney - Not UFT
Eloise - Not UFT
Monique - Reserved
Static - Reserved
Bunnie - Reserved
Tangy - Reserved
Antonio - UFT
Klaus - UFT
Angus - UFT

Dream Villagers in my signature. :)
desperately seeking zell, offering BASICALLY ANYTHING
high amounts of bells may require more time
apple is moving
Seeking Merengue!

I will give you your choice of bells
I have Apple the hamster, Anchovy the bird, Katt the.. Cat..., Jay the bird, and Twiggy the bird to offer as well as bells with any of them.
I will also give you my soul and fan art. x.x

She's meant to be a surprise gift for my boyfriend, so I am actively looking for her. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Please PM me.
Desperately looking for Kiki.. If anyone has her and is willing to give her up for a villager in my sig or some bells/furniture
Kiki is moving in to one of my towns! :D

Please, offer in Bells :D

Send me P.M's if you can :)
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152% desperate
looking for zell
offering anything you want
high amount of bells might take me a few days
Looking for Fauna! I'll trade Maple/Merry for her, or bells, or items ^__^
Also looking for Poncho~
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