Would you like me to hold her for you? I have the extra space and will probably only get on once a day when school starts... Unless you want someone else to hold her for you, which I totally understand...
I have Pashmina leaving tomorrow. Anyone interested? If so just PM me offers (looking for dream villagers but I'll consider other offers). c:
My dream villagers are Erik, Julian, Merengue, Deli, Eugene (pending trade), Tangy (pending trade), and Phoebe (pending trade), if anyone has them up for trade. Although I have a few trades in the works right now and since I don't TT, it may take a while for me to be able to do anymore trades, aha.
Olaf is leaving on the 18th, please message me if interested. I will not trade him for bells. I will only:
-Give him away for free
-Trade him for other villagers (Marshal, Bob, Pietro)