Villager Exchange Thread

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I really want to find Clyde. I have Limberg moving on the 20th if anyone wants him.
Looking for Merengue, Chevre and Lucky. I've got Cesar about moved out if someone wants him
I have Ankha. She isn't moving yet, but I TT so it won't be long.
I really want Zucker! I've been doing that villager reset trick for a long time and I never get him.
Freya is moving out soon. Looking for any of my dreams listed in the siggy or offers. c:
Still in search for Julian<3 Roscoe and Chester ;:_:;
Looking for Flurry, Apple and Wolfgang ; w ;
I can gibe Curlos the sheep
Paula the bear (ready to move)
Monique the cat
and a pink frog, i don't know her name in english sorry
also Boone the gorilla
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O'hare is going to move soon :)
I would loveeee to have Moe, Lolly, Olivia or Fang but I know the change is little ^^"
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