I don't know if anyone's posted about this, but I moved Bree into my town via amiibo. She kicked Mathilda out. I TTed back a few days, and Mathilda's house was still there o_o When I went to the door, it said BREE wasn't home. I TTed to the next day, and Isabelle gave the announcement that Bree moved in. I went to the house, it still looked like Mathilda's house. The sign read Bree, and inside the house, there Bree was.
Is there anyway to fix the exterior of the house without kicking Bree out and moving her back in? That just seems like a hassle, and I'm worried about further glitching the game.
Is there anyway to fix the exterior of the house without kicking Bree out and moving her back in? That just seems like a hassle, and I'm worried about further glitching the game.