• Staff favorites and raffle winners have been announced for TBT's Season of Giving! See the latest announcement thread: TBT's Season of Giving 2024: Closing Ceremony. Thank you to everyone for sharing your creativity and generosity during this event!

Villager names you know you pronounce wrong but you just don’t care?

Hm, I want to clear something up.

I thought before I was mispronouncing Merengue since it's supposed to be the food, but looking it up now the cream is spelt Meringue? And the dance is Merengue? Can either be used? I'm very confused lol.
I’m confused now, lol. Aren’t those two words pronounced the same, with the spelling being the only difference? 😂
I’m confused now, lol. Aren’t those two words pronounced the same, with the spelling being the only difference? 😂
I thought the dance was mer-en-gay which is how I used to pronounce the cream as well, but when I started watching cookings videos the cream is mer-ang? I could be very wrong LOL
I thought the dance was mer-en-gay which is how I used to pronounce the cream as well, but when I started watching cookings videos the cream is mer-ang? I could be very wrong LOL
I pronounce the dance as mer-en-gay (with a hint of a spanish accent) and the cream as mer-ang, just like you said. I didn't even realize they were spelled differently until now. That does make things confusing, but I still intend to pronounce Merengue (the AC character) as mer-ang because it makes more sense with her aesthetic.
Portia. For some reason, instead of saying Por-sha I say Por-tee-ah. I think it's the only name I mispronounce? Unless I say Dobie wrong too. Doh-bee? I think there was a debate around his name too but I might be wrong. 🤔
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I don't know how to pronounce Ione. I thought it was pronounced like "I own" but now I'm not sure. Still sounds like a beautiful name to me though.
Deirdre. I feel like I always pronounce this name wrong
I don't know, you tell me. This is how I pronounce the names of my current villagers:

Bluebear: Bloo-bear
Paula: Paul-uh
Marty: Mar-tee
Poncho: Pon-cho
Olive: Och-liv
Grizzly: Grizz-lee
Maple - May-pul
Curt - Kert
Beardo - Weir-doh
Judy - Brat
i’ve always mispronounced pietro’s name. i know it’s pronounced “p-yay-troh”, but for some reason i can’t stop myself from saying it like “pie-throw” LOL. i’ve said it that way since i was a kid, it’s a weird habit now 🤣

also, til that pekoe might not be pronounced “pee-ko”. i’ve always pronounced her name that way lol
I don't know, you tell me. This is how I pronounce the names of my current villagers:

Bluebear: Bloo-bear
Paula: Paul-uh
Marty: Mar-tee
Poncho: Pon-cho
Olive: Och-liv
Grizzly: Grizz-lee
Maple - May-pul
Curt - Kert
Beardo - Weir-doh
Judy - Brat
Seems pretty on-point. Except maybe Olive, idk where you got the ch from.
I pronounce Tiesheng's name wrong but its how I say it, at least how a japanese translaror did and I thought it sounded cool. Better then me just calling him Monkey


I pronounce Ione as so. My friend os arguable about if thats correct. Again. Its how I read it.


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I’m guilty of mispronunciation as well. It’s more prevalent in my daily vocabulary, as I tend to speak a bit too fast sometimes. Here’s a few I can think of:
  • Fuchsia: Yeah, try not to botch up saying her name the wrong way; it could lead to bad things.
  • Tangy: Tang-gee. It’s apparently supposed to be pronounced tang-ee like normal, but I like my pronunciation better.
  • Jacques: Jack-kays. Clearly wrong.
Here are all of the villagers whose names I have mispronounced before, I really wish I was kidding with some of these:

Tangy - (Tayn-JEE)

Jacques - (Jack-EZZ)

Whitney - (White-knee)

Naomi - (NOW-mee)

Renée - (Ren-knee)

Ione - (EE-own)

Beardo - (BEER-doh)

Barold - (BAR-old)

Pekoe - (Peh-KOH-eh)

Cyrano - (SIGH-rah-NO)

Azalea - (Azzah-lay-ah)

Anchovy - (Anh-CHO-vee)

Mathilda - (Mah-thilda)

Blanche - (Blan-CHEY)

Cousteau - (Coh-stoh)

Étoile - (EEH-toyle)

Chevre - (Chev-rey)

Lucha - (Loo-CHA)

Mallary - (Mah-LARRY)

Pecan - (Peckin')

And also, I used to jokingly pronounce Felicity as, "feline city", even though I know that is never how her name is supposed to be pronounced.
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Probably several though I know for sure Cyrano and Eltoile. No wonder the megaphone wasn't calling Cyrano...
In my mind, Maelle is “May-elle” though since it’s French I probably got it wrong. (Though I remember Etoile/Star from French class lol)