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Villager quirks


Senior Member
Jun 6, 2013
Throwback Tickets
I'm not talking the basic personality, but what about them can you think of that makes them stick out?

Elise is obsessed with fruit. Two or three times a day, she will beg me to go get her a peach.
And Drake loves to shop. I literally never see him in the town, but only in the shops!
Bunnie's a little weird... Whenever I talk to her more than once, she insists she's in a time loop. Someone's paranoid!

So what are your villagers like?
2 of my villagers (Dora and Barold) are always in the museum. (Getting really annoying to be honest)
Olivia is always in the main street, she does not like shopping, she prefer looking in the windows of the stores.
Lopez always have a net in her hands. (I have never seen her without a net.)
Pierce and Cyrano always gives me gifts and always wants to play hide-and-seek
Puddles is obsessed with flowers, I got a lot of hybrids because of her, everyday there's new flowers around her house.
Can't say much about Charlise and Olaf because they're both new to the town.
Beau always loses his items and then freaks out, thinking that there is an alien/monster/creature out there that is stealing that specif item.

Mott always accuses me of stalking him... "Are you stalking me, bro? What do you mean you're not my bro, bro?! CAGEY?!"
I often find Rory and Deena in Re-tail. I'm always convincing them to buy my stuff. Also, Deena and Rory are ALWAYS up the earliest. Mira doesn't even get up until 11.
Weird, my Drake is obsessed with fruit -- I hardly ever see him shopping.

Chevre is an early bird, she's the only one up when I play at 6:30am, maybe I need early bird .. lol

The rest are bums who sleep until 10!
Monty is a gangster. He's always hustling; his default catch phrase is "g'thang", which I'm so not gonna change; and he asked me to bring Chevere to his place. Chevere is mine >:eek:

Monty's cool though, he sold me my first painting and it wasn't a fake.

& yesss to the above post. I've done two of my community project ceremonies early in the morning and Chevere is the only one that shows up, lol.
Nana is NEVER in her house. Like, I'm not even exaggerating. I've taken extreme measures to find her inside of her house, but nope. She is always outside. The only time I see her house is when she invites me over, but she always leaves as soon as I do :(

Fuchsia sleeps until 11am in the morning and then says she's still tired throughout the day :confused: (Maybe it's the KK Rock you have blasting out of your stereo)

And Purrl is always hiding in the museum which is really annoying. She's my favorite and all she wants to do is talk about is how empty the museum is...

OH, and Monty ALWAYS has fleas. He always wants me to come over but nope! Ya nasty!
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Monty almost always has a flea on him. Also, he seems to be in love with me. He thinks I have a cute face, often asks what type of girl I am, literally asks to come over to my house every day (and I've let him every day), and he even gave me a cradle. He's also always outside at 3 AM with his bug net, alone...

Bonbon is never at her house except in the dead of night and after I speak to her for the first time each day, she'll comment on being in a time loop. :V
I think this is really cute
Groucho(grumpy personality) would never leave his house when I first started playing, and I mean NEVER! But I became friends with him and over time he started to come outside and socialize more :)
Interestingly enough, my two favorites, Bonbon and Pashmina, seem to share a lot of the same quirks; both are almost always outside (and when they're not, they're usually inside at the same time as well), both are the only two who really comment when I've been playing too long, they both hate being outside in the rain (despite the fact that they refuse to go inside), etc.

Bonbon is a bit more of a shopaholic, though. And when she's not outside or in her house, she's usually at Re-Tail. She's also the one who tends to ask the most favors of me.

Pashmina on the other hand prefers to get closer to me by just hangin' out. I guess that's part of her Uchi personality? Eh, who knows.
Peanut tends to freak out. A lot. xD
Filbert can always be found in the same area and is always sending me to do something.
I don't like Vesta enough to talk to her. >.>
Tiffany seems to spend all her time either in her house or in Re-Tail.
Chow likes to invite me to his house... everyday.
Keaton seemed to take my threat to hit him with a shovel if he sold me another fake painting as a love confession. -.-

And Pashmina just moved in this morning - but I want to fix my bee stung face before I go meet her. :p
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Bangle is quite the shopper, she's always at Re-Tail and the shopping area.
Samson has an unhealthy obsession with tank tops. he's given me at least 5 of them.
Chevre is almost always at the beach!
Tipper actually has quite the temper... whenever she asks me to give her a new greeting or catchphrase, she'll always try it out by pretending to yell at someone or something.
Marshal likes the ladies a little too much. Whenever someone new is about to move in he always gets excited and imagines it being a girl.
Biskit is always the one with fleas. always. Gotta shower more often, Biskit.
Winnie is obsessed with herself and she uses a bed as a stage. She's invited me to her house twice now and she gave me medicine when I was stung by a bee the first time. So I like her.
Yuka is never in her house, even when it's raining. She was the first villager to change clothes.
Harry has been really nice to me so far even though he's cranky and not many people seem to like him. He was the first to invite me to his house and send me a gift in the mail. Also Winnie left her clothes over at Harry's house, what on earth is going on?
Rowan keeps to himself mainly, I can't think of any quirks although he was the first to suggest a project.
Egbert, not much going on with him either although he came 2nd in the bug off, I came 1st of course. :p He's pretty cool though so I doubt there will be any grudes. He's also the only villager I've seen at the beach so far.
Haven't known Cherry long enough to see any quirks but she bought a Birdwing Butterfly off me today for 800 bells more than Re-tail would give me.

I think there might be some kind of love square going on between Yuka, Egbert, Winnie and Harry.
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Teddy always goes to Re-Tail, whenever I'm in there, he's there.
Pinky shakes trees everyday and always gets nothing.
Stitches spends like 2 hours walking around Main Street.
Freya and Hopper are usually in Able Sisters.
I could care less about Peaches but she usually has a shovel.
Lucha is always asleep in his own house.
Vladimir is always angry. Never likes to play get smacked in the face repeatedly with a net, or get pushed into pitfall. To be honest I'd just wished he'd play GET OUT OF MY TOWN you lazy good for nothing pink bear

If you've had him you'd know what I'm talking about
Tia visits Re-Tail a whole lot. Actually, Tia goes out a whole lot, I've seen her in the Museum too, and in the Main Street.

Purrl visits Re-Tail a lot, and many of the items there are hers. Though in the past few days she stayed inside a whole lot. Seems more cheerful now, asked for an orange and I saw her planting a sun cosmos.

Roscoe and Benjamin are my best pals. Though they never request or ask for anything.
Ok, Benjamin just asked me to visit his house. Haha.

Carmen is a paranoid lil bunny. I talk w her like 3 times she starts saying that she talked a whole lot with me today, that I have clones, or that she's in a time loop. She's sweet and spends most of the time at home.

I don't know about Quillson because I avoid him. Same with Pierce. Phoebe seems to stay a whole lot inside.
And Tipper just moved in, but she seems pretty nice, for a snooty type.
So far the quarks I've noticed in some of my villagers are that Vic has fleas pretty frequently, Cranston always wants to play hide and seek (sometimes more than once a day) and Diana always loves coming to my house only later to apologize for intruding.

A not so frequent quirk is in Leonardo and Kyle who just so happen to find things in my pockets that I plan to donate to the museum. Usually expensive items, too.

As for my other villagers, I really haven't paid much attention to them. I've had Tutu in the past games and really liked her, but this time around it seems like Diana is my best friend to be. She's adorable!

Bubbles and Diva... They can move... Don't care how, but they have to go.

Still trying to become friends with Benedict, but he's never home! I have no idea where he goes during the day and night. It's like he doesn't even like being in the town. I can sometimes find him hanging around with Digby, but other than that... I have no clue.
Tia seems to have become obsessed with spending all her time down at the beach, the past 2 days she is down there constantly, like she's possessed! Poncho meanwhile seems to like avoiding me, I can never find him when I want him. Grrr.

It may be my hazy memory but the villagers do seem a little bit more developed than they were in WW. I find it's more interesting to interact with them than before and they seem more active too.
Apple is becoming my BFF, she seems to love giving me items and they're always so nice.
Monty likes to explore a lot, I often find him in the museum, re-tail or the Able Sisters shop when he's not wandering around town.
Baabara is nice, she's fond of fishing but often asks me to catch her rare fish. She acknowledged that a dorado is pretty rare but I accepted because I've already donated one to my museum.
Rodney only moved in yesterday, but he's quite nice - I don't know much about him yet.
Marcel sort of keeps to himself.
Agnes can go die, I already hate her and she hasn't even moved in. She'll feel my net soon. (Moved in front of my town hall).