Villager sleep times


Bread is good
Jul 30, 2016
New Horizons Token
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Tasty Cake
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
Pumpkin Cupcake
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
It seems like the regular bedtimes for villagers have changed a bit in this game compared to New Leaf from my experience. Some have stayed the same, like for example Snooty, Cranky and Smugs still have late bedtimes. But I've noticed normal villagers staying up a lot later than they used too. Im currently playing and its 1 AM here, but Skye is still walking around which is very odd. My other normals have gone to bed though.

Thought it might be interesting to point out. Anyone else experience this in their game?
Hazel is up till morning hours some nights then all of the sudden will be in bed by 10pm. Odd.
Yeah I don't think they have real bedtimes now lol, Biff went to bed at 11pm last night but is still up at 12:30 tonight
and I've yet to see my cranky villagers go to bed at all yet lol
My peppy, cranky, and jock are still awake rn. My jock was randomly dancing in the woods. lmao
Yeah I don't think they have real bedtimes now lol, Biff went to bed at 11pm last night but is still up at 12:30 tonight
and I've yet to see my cranky villagers go to bed at all yet lol
In past games crankys can stay up till like 4 AM. I think they changed it in NL but it's still crazy to see them stay up that late.
my uchi was awake yesterday still at around 4am.. she even pinged me to get her a zebra turkeyfish lol