Don’t you just love it when when a villager moves away right as you’re about to take the perfect picture? Just a moment ago I was about to take a picture of Canberra fishing right at the edge by the beach and it looked like she was floating off the ground, but then she notices and moves away! Talk about perfect picture moment being killed...
I swear these villagers are not only observant of what you’re doing, but they are so camera shy. xD
I'm not sure if friendship affects it. But I did notice that my new villagers tend to move away quickly when I'm taking photos. My bestfriend villagers tend to stay longer before moving away.
It’s weird; sometimes they’ll cooperate and sometimes they have foresight like that. I got extremely lucky with placements and got two of my favorite deer sitting by the river at the same time for long enough to get a really good picture (sorta the opposite of what usually happens lol)
lmao i feel your pain. it doesn’t help that i have a slow response time, too, so by the time that i actually think to take a picture, the moment’s already over smh. the villagers are honestly like my cat; as soon as the camera turns on, they flee.
I found that some villagers are incredibly attracted to specific items. For example, there's a fake statue on my island and everytime I see Fang walking near it, he gets really close to the statue and stops there, observing the statue's details.
A good tip that can come in handy is to open the camera and immediately turn off the guide. If the villager moves before you snap the photo, just record the last 30 seconds, and then save a screenshot from a still frame in the video.