Villagers Have Memories

Crankies are all just old men now and Snooties are just reserved.
They're more clever than NL, that's for sure. They gift me items that I really like, I got 2 flashy hairpins from Canberra and Bianca. Ava just gave me a cute stereo in the colour I was hunting for (pink!) because I gifted her a typewriter.

They do have friendships with each other too. Ava and Sprocket are super close. Sprocket was skipping around and whistling and told me Ava had supported him in some regard, and that made her a true friend.

I feel like Bianca likes Zell, since she was happy and said she saw him watching her practise dance moves. He also listened to her sing in the plaza for ages, lmao. Everything in this game is so cute.
When Midge and Beau finished having a conversation that I didn't join, they both stormed off angrily, so I talked to Midge expecting the "I'm SO angry please don't speak to me right now!" sort of dialogue that you'd always get in past games if they were angry.

BUT, to my pleasant surprise instead she said Beau had spoiled a good story for her and she was mad and asked me if I thought it was reasonable that she was annoyed by that. I absolutely loved that little interaction.
people who say the dialogue in this game sucks clearly never played new leaf lol

No, people who say/said that were referring to tutorial phase, with lasted 5+ days. For those not TT'ing, and playing many hours a day, it was rough.
yeah!! the other day i told rodeo i liked donuts and then... later that day he was walking around eating a donut. it's such a minor detail but i love that they've made villagers more expressive? ;o;
If you walk into their house and straight back out, they don't wave, they get a question mark above their heads.
yeah!! the other day i told rodeo i liked donuts and then... later that day he was walking around eating a donut. it's such a minor detail but i love that they've made villagers more expressive? ;o;

That's just a coincidence as villagers will typically eat donuts
Cute little thing today - sometimes villagers ping me wanting to give me something but my inventory is full (I'm normally on the way to the cranny when they catch me lol) but they've said they'd just mail it to me.

Yesterday, Alli wanted to give me something, she said she'd hold onto it for me until I had the space for it. Next time I speak to her, she gives me the recipe! That's so cute and much more realistic than 'I'll stick in the the mail and have it delivered even though I will probably see you again today'
If one of them gives you something and then you regift it back to them later they comment on it, but still give you something else in return.
Oh god yes. If we were in New Leaf, my villages wouldn't be saying ANYTHING except 'Bunny Day, Bunny Day, Bunny Day' right now. Instead, I've played treasure hunt and been given random stuff and talked about stew and Patty said she left her pencil case in her old home.

In reference to the first sentence, I do feel like they are doing quite a bit of that. They were better before the Bunny Day event started, but now everytime I talk to any villager I get the same repeated dialogue about Bunny Day, eggs, and quite often the same exact dialogue multiple times talking about eggs being found in rocks and trees and in greater number on Nook Miles islands.
In reference to the first sentence, I do feel like they are doing quite a bit of that. They were better before the Bunny Day event started, but now everytime I talk to any villager I get the same repeated dialogue about Bunny Day, eggs, and quite often the same exact dialogue multiple times talking about eggs being found in rocks and trees and in greater number on Nook Miles islands.
I often get that as the first text in a new stream of conversation but after that, I get a decent mixture of talk. Chatting to Alli, I had her looking forward to Bunny Day, talking about how stylish her house is, giving me some shoes and talking about the new neighbour.
just wanted to drop by and say
since I'm a serial cataloguer, I bought every colour of cycling shirt from my able sisters (even tho they be ugly doe) and when I gifted something to Sprinkle she gave me a cycling shirt in return and said "i've heard you like these" or something along those lines

such a cute detail, thanks sprinkle.
and I'm sure timmy and tommy will love your cool shirt