Villagers hiding everytime someone visits

coffee biscuit

Mar 5, 2020
Orange (Fruit)
New Horizons Token
Cherry (Fruit)
So, whenever I have someone over as a friend or for a transaction, all of my villagers retreat into their homes. I also noticed when I visit my friends their villagers go into their homes too. When they leave, all of the villagers are automatically back outside. It's really weird to me, especially since I'm proud of some of the villagers I have and I want other people to see them.
I guess it'd be nice for transactions since some people don't want you talking to their villagers, but the thing is, villagers now mention people who come over whether they talk to them or not (which I honestly hate)

Thoughts on this? Does this happen to other people?
Yeah, it's a shame. They do still come out of their houses but it's usually only 1 or 2 villagers whereas before opening they would all be out. They also do not do any of their interesting animations when people are visiting - they'll never be holding anything, or fishing, working out. Just walking around. Reminds me of Wild World.
Mine did this a lot overall at first but by visit like 50 my villagers dont hide as much.
I think it's super cute.
My sister and I just have a joke at this point that her character lives at my island now anyway.
Mine did this a lot overall at first but by visit like 50 my villagers dont hide as much.
I think it's super cute.
My sister and I just have a joke at this point that her character lives at my island now anyway.
I think it'd be cute if only certain personalities did it (crankies or normals could be shy) but almost every single one of my villagers does it. A couple times when Raymond was out when others were here for a trade they wanted to talk to him which I always thought was nice.
I've seen this happen in the early game state when they were still in tents. Haven't seen it since everyone got houses.
My villagers do this too. They self quarantine when anyone comes to my island. I just figured they were being true to life, trying to stay safe from the corona virus and all. You know, I figure it's a feature.
my friend came to my island yesterday and there was only 1 villager walking around. but as he spent more time on my island, more villagers started coming out of their houses. i don't know if this happens everytime but it was what i noticed yesterday
I feel like when someone visits my island only 2 or 3 villagers show up outside and the rest go to their homes. When nobody is over theres like 5 to 6 villagers outside.its odd.
Maybe it's so it's easier to get DIYs? I'm all the time swapping DIYs with people by checking who's making what in their houses.