Hey guys! So I recently flattened my island and I’m starting fresh and I’m going to create my villagers ideal yards, but I was looking for a bit of advice? I have found a list on wiki but I am not sure to go with their ‘goal’ or home request ??
You can maybe either consider their hobbies and goals. IIRC the home request on the wiki indicates the villager’s requests in the game Happy Home Designer. You can also take that into consideration when drawing up plans.
I remember someone saying they continue the themes of the villagers' interiors in their yards, which, if the list you're using is from HHD, as moon_child mentioned, might work better - the themes of their HHD homes might not necessarily fit their furniture, especially if you still have any of your first five villagers and plan on keeping their current interior.
I'm currently working on a setup like that, just a lot of space being wasted truthfully. My yard area per villager is 10x10, takes up a good chunk of the island but my "other building" area still had place for a café and a police station.
Edit: Now that I think about it I need 9x9 to make the house technically centered, so much work to redo lol
I decorated my villagers' houses based on their goals mentioned in New Leaf. Octavian has a fishing rod (fisherman), Cranston has a desk (CEO), Melba has lots of books (professor), Tangy has a vanity (hairstylist), and so on. However, Judy is new so she doesn't have a known goal but I saw she likes pottery apparently, so I gave her some clay, a pot, and a furnace.
I haven't specifically fenced out and made particular villager yards per se (I started to and then hated 1. how much space it took up and 2. the in-game paths and how straight they are) but I've put little decorations around each of their houses to give them things to do! I didn't design them specifically with particular villagers in mind as I wanted to keep a somewhat cohesive theme across my island but I think it's such a fun idea!! I would just never be able to pull it off haha
It really depends on the villager! Here's what I did for some of mine:
Julian: Nova lights along his house with a Crescent moon chair and a telescope.
Ankha: Full desert theme, with sand, a Sphinx, and a Pyramid.
Wolfgang and Skye: log furniture with little things pertaining to their personalities, like books.