Villagers on benches?!


☼109 in the Sky☼
Feb 1, 2014
So I've had a bench in my town for months and no one ever sat there, so I figured I must have just picked a bad place for it.
I recently built another bench in what I considered to be a pretty "busy" part of my town but still no one would ever sit there.
BUT! Today, finally I found Doc, my cute little lazy bunny resting quietly on my metal bench. I got way too excited and took like a million pictures of it which hopefully I'll one day understand how to upload them on here.
Anyway, I was just wondering how often your villagers sit on your benches. Is it always the lazy villagers?
Just curious :)
i only had one villager sit on my benches, flora..
del sat on a tree stump and he looked like he was taking a dump.
I have one tree stump in my town and no one has ever sat on it, sadly. :(
Maybe one day...
in my main town I've NEVER had a villager sit on my bench. And it's been there for months. Finally in my second town, I found Daisy sitting on a tree stump once. I took lots of pictures :p
I've had Octavian sit on my Zen Bench, and I'm -pretty- sure I've seen Diana sleeping while sitting on a stump... Melba may also have had a quick nap on a stump as well.
Recently I saw Rory sitting on furniture in his home while he had another animal over as a guest.
Even when it happens multiple times, I still take several pictures of it, since it's always so adorable to see them interacting with the environment.
I often find Sally and Beau sleeping on my yellow bench together...It's adorable!
Soo many of my villagers have sat on benches / stumps.. it's amazing really ^^ I've had atleast Rolf, Ricky when I used to have him, Frita, Alfonso, Tabby sit on my main bench that I removed for the metal bench once I get one. Frita, Alfonso, Moe, have sat on the colorful tire thing.. Purrl, Ken, Bree and Frita have sat on a stump ^u^
I was running around doing errands and Bunnie was fishing in the lake in front of Town Hall... I come back from Re-Tail and she was asleep on a stump next to where she was fishing XD So cute. I love finding my villagers on stumps/benches. It's funny finding them like that right when you leave their screen area and come back. I find them more on stumps than benches though. I think I've only ever seen Benjamin sitting on my metal bench ONCE... but the log by Maple's house is always in use that I can't sit on it (I wish they sat more at night when my illuminated tree is lit up) XD I've seen Maple and Genji hanging out together on the log... and I've seen Dizzy and Bunnie chilling together on the tire toy a few times.
Yeah, lots of times. Sometimes Kidd, sometimes Muffy, and sometimes Goose and Barold sitting together! :p
Diana, Opal, Pietro and Francine say on tree stumps...
Moe, Zucker, Frita, Merengue and Phoebe sat on my benches/tyre toy...

The chances are completely random, right?

I've only seen Francine sitting on her couch in her house once. When I did the angry emotion, it looked like I was kissing her XD
DRAGO and Zucker sit next to each other all the time! Frita and Caroline always sleep together one benches <3
I have a bench in a somewhat busy part in my main town and I have villagers sitting there all the time. I loved especially when Frita((my mega ultimate dreamie who moved when I couldnt play for two days)) would fall asleep or just sit there. I find Francine on it the most out of all villagers even though her house is no where near it.
I have a bench in a somewhat busy part in my main town and I have villagers sitting there all the time. I loved especially when Frita((my mega ultimate dreamie who moved when I couldnt play for two days)) would fall asleep or just sit there. I find Francine on it the most out of all villagers even though her house is no where near it.

YES A Frita Lover<3

In Azalea i've seen all 10 sit down at some point
Parfait none Apart from Mira in her house
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The first bench I ever placed was by a cliff. Even though it was south of the event plaza nobody ever sat there and the event plaza was like a hot spot in my town. I didn't understand it. I built one up on the northwest side and didn't expect it to get sat on. I just put it there to look nice. So far Ken, Amelia, Peaches, and Rodeo have sat there. I built a log bench behind Re-tail in my town and surprisingly enough only Bree has sat there.

My villagers prefer stumps I guess. I have a lot around my town that look natural. :)
My villagers have NEVER sat on my benches!!! I have like 5 in my town and a load of tree stumps!!!
I've had... Henry- smug sit my yellow bench, Fang- cranky sit on yellow bench, Rowan- jock sit on a stump,tyres,and big shoe, Alice-normal sit on big shoe, Lolly-normal sit on metal bench, Apple-peppy sit on wooden bench,big shoe,tyres, Static-cranky sit on blue bench, Walker-lazy sit on tyres, big shoe, Melba-normal sit on wooden bench,

So yeah everyone has sat at least somewhere but I do tt a lot so I've had a lot of chances c:
Saw Genji sitting on a tree stump the other day asleep xD I brought out the megaphone and.......
I pretty much placed a bench right in the middle of my villager area, so I find different villagers sitting there more than once a day. Make sure you put them where your villagers are always walking around in. Put it right in front of their houses if you have to. They seem to like it near river areas and bridges.

If you also idle long enough in-game, your villagers will eventually find themselves in places they don't usually go to, including where you put your benches. Diana is on the other side of my town and she managed to sit on my one bench with Stitches.

I also put tree stumps in the middle of my bush paths so that there are more areas for my villagers to sit. o wo
I've never seen my villagers on benches! I have two, a yellow one below son perfect peach trees, and a blue bench on the edge of a cliff. I can understand why no one sits on the cliff bench, but... Why not the yellow one, guys? D: