Everyone's probably heard this sob story, but just in case you luckily missed out-
I was months behind. My villagers were jumping in leaf piles while I was making snowmen. They were tired. They begged me, "No more fall, please mayor! We've been here for MONTHS!" So I agreed. It all went fine, until I had a genius idea. "Going three days ahead won't hurt ANYTHING!
" But I was sorely mistaken. I loaded up my game, and lo and behold, someone was missing. The agony! It took me less than one minute to see that my beloved Julian had gone, leaving only a dirt spot in his wake. Fast forward to a few weeks ago, when I wifi-ed with my friend. The next day she sends me a snapchat- my Julian is in her town, safe and sound. So now I am almost done with my cycle and I will have my Julian back within a few weeks! So sorry to all those who won't have their villagers back though D: It's only a game but it's just so upsetting when you lose something like that! I was really upset and refused to play until my friend asked me to sell peaches in my town a few weeks ago.