Visitors Welcome - free visits.


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2018
100% (269) +
Hello, everyone.

Hope you're all having good days.

I am a newbie who needs to get to know people to play AC:NL online with.

My town is relatively new, so there isn't a giant amount to see, but I do have the island, the plant shop, and I am working hard to expand the museum.

If you do visit, please feel free to shop, to talk to the villagers, to shake trees or pick fruit. I have the 'Night Owl' ordinance in place, and I usually play late. I am spending most of my Bells on my house loan and PWP, so the clothing, gardening and furniture shops are usually well stocked.

I am happy to do return visits to your towns if you'd like.

Give me a shout if you have any questions.


I'll come play with you sometime. [:
Just let me know your details.
Hello, chaps.

Thanks for your replies. Apologies for the delay in reply - I damaged my 3DS, and it's now been fixed.

I have added the three people who replied to my friends list. If anyone else is interested, please post.

My 3DS ID is 1178-2902-6740 :)

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I've added you 'v' I'd love to come visit sometime
Update: We now have Shampoodle, Brewster's and Kicks.

All visitors still welcome.

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Another update: We now have T&T Emporium, if anyone wants to come and buy Gracie stuff :)

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Sure - I will add your FC and open the gates now. I might have to move the time so that everyone is up, though :)


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Gates open :)
I'd love to too :D I can play pretty much any time on weekends and between 12:35 and 1:25, and then from 4:00 onwards most weekdays (I'll add you now :p)
Great :) I will add you both when I am with my DS.

I will be available for most of the weekend. Maybe we can all meet up and visit each other's towns :)

I'd love to visit your town, if possible :) I'm here all day today (Pacific time), and the weekend, so just let me know when you can!

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My Mayor Name is Adelina
and my town is Amarise :)
Hi! I only just made an account and maybe I'm not doing this right, but I'd love to visit your town! Also, is that supposed to be a pride icon of Brewster? That's the BEST EVER!
I added sakura and purple v. Anyone else who wants to add me please let me know. :)
Thank you for your replies.

I have added everyone. My gates are open now, if anyone wants to drop in.

Would it be easier to communicate via group PM, WhatsApp or Discord, if we want to organise meeting up? Or is this thread enough?

Rainyquartz - Thank you. I see that we have matching cool pride icons :)

Thank you for your replies.

I have added everyone. My gates are open now, if anyone wants to drop in.

Would it be easier to communicate via group PM, WhatsApp or Discord, if we want to organise meeting up? Or is this thread enough?

Rainyquartz - Thank you. I see that we have matching cool pride icons :)


Aieee I just logged on, but if you're still up for visitors, I'd love to go to your town.

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Also, I have 2 towns and I just restarted one, if you wouldn't mind a visit from her instead. I'm on Pacific time and here the rest of the day!