Looking For Vivian & Maple, for New Town!


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2014
Easter Egg
100% (27) +
Offering 25TBT each!
Can't wait to get started with this new town and I'm hoping to have some familiar faces along for the ride <:
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I have Vivian in my spare town.I can get her boxed up in a few minutes if you're still online.25 tbt is fine.
hi c: just wanting to let you know that you cant adopt wolf link from someone else, sorry ^^
Yeah, still online - I'll add you now!

@Amilee Oh I wasn't aware, thank you for the heads up :0
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I have Maple! She should be original besides her shirt. Everything else should be the same though, if that’s okay
@Nunnafinga Alright, sounds good!
@Mooglet Yeah, that's fine! I'll get you added now
maple just DOES NOT WANT TO GOOOOO. I’ve been TT’ing forever and she hasn’t asked to move out, but every other villager has... twice.
Sorry it’s taking so long!!
@Mooglet No worries - sorry she's being such a pain! Dx I'll be going to bed shortly but I'll be around again tomorrow, hopfeully youll have some luck!
@Hayleigh_1 Ah cool I'm still looking for him! I'll add you <: