Vote for Animal Crossing on Time's Top 100 Videogames

I voted. I'm not sure of when the poll ends...
33% yes, 67% no. People obviously haven't played Animal Crossing.

Time put AC with games kind of out of its league. The Legend of Zelda, The Sims, etc. But as AC fans we have the responsibility to vote it up! ;o
We need to vote! Every AC fan come to us! :)
Hell, Animal Crossing is in my top FIVE so I say pshha! to that list. Half the time a game these days will only be considered good if it involves running around with a machine gun, so whatever. A lot of gamers tend to think of Nintendo as a lame company because it doesn't have a whole lot of violent games. Which, I do like some games like that, but I like Animal Crossing because it never ends and because I like how it doesn't need to have zombie-slashing in it to be a seriously addicting game.

EDIT: Also, I think it got such a low rating because a lot of people don't know about this game or the magical hypnotizing powers that it possesses. Just sayin'.
Animal Crossing is one of Nintendo's million sellers in worldwide, so they should rank nicely on top 100. On the actual poll result, there's a quite a significant amount of games I never played and don't deserve their current rank. How comes a game like Joust ranked much higher than Super Mario Bros.? They're asking the wrong players to vote, so the list is pretty inaccurate anyway. Don't take that too seriously.
voted, doubt it's going to do anything, i voted yesterday and it's still pretty much the same
Considering that too many so-called "gamers" think that Animal Crossing's a game for kids or "pussies" because no angry nazis or rotten zombies show up in the game, I don't think AC will make it, even to Top 30-40...
We have a magnificient game, we can let CoD to them.
Hm, I bet the people who voted no were the kind that rented the game for a day and didn't get into it.
Oh man, remember when renting games was a thing?