VOTING NOW OVER - The Bell Tree People's Choice Awards 2014

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I finally got my votes in now that the Fair isn't taking up my time lol
Okay, I'm awake, so I'm gonna cut off voting (i even waited until I'd had a shower to post this, to give that little piece of extra time).
I received a lot of votes this year, so please be patient whilst i carefully count the results. that said, I also need to send them over to tina so she can make banners for the winners.
I'll try yo get it up sometime later today, but can't gaurentee.
More than likely it will defs be up by tomorrow tho.
if you campaign you are disqualified. this is not an election, it's peoples choice. they vote for who they think should win, not who had the best campaign. i was gonna add it as a rule this year but i thought of it halfway through voting (thankfully no one campaigned tho). it will be a rule next year tho.
but in saying that i mean, humorous posts are allowed in this thread but anything else outside on a more srs note wont count

where r results
i am working on the thread right now calm ur tater tots
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