Waiting in the Rain


Ms. Jentacular
Nov 16, 2008
Silver Mailbox
Howdy, y'all.

My dad's friend (Daryl Shawn) is entering a contest in hopes of winning a trip to Sweden. For the contest you need to write a song about the G train. My dad asked me if I wanted to film the video, and I freaking love filming, so I said yes. So I filmed this video (Daryl edited it though. I just got the raw footage.) It makes me so happy—cinematography just fills me with glee. I can't explain it enough. I hope you all enjoy.

EDIT: never mind, he didn't win. Still a cool song though.
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There are some really awesome shots in the video and the song is great! Well done by the musician and the director.
Thanks! It was a great learning experience for me, since when watching the raw footage I saw some habitats I had that I liked and disliked. Filming makes me so happy, I'd love to be a cinematographer some day, but it's not a very realistic life goal. Ah well, I had so much soon shooting this. I hope he or someone else needs film assistance soon, as I'm always happy help.

And this is more pop-ish than what he normally does, and it apparently wasn't enough pop for him to win either. He normally does a lot of experimental stuff. I'm not sure what he's up to now, but he and my dad were in a project for awhile called ChinaPainting. He always does some fantastic stuff.