Wanna come over and fish?


It's gonna be a great giorno!
Feb 2, 2009
I am opening my gates and letting people come over and fish. It is September around 4pm right now. Post here with your friendcode and let me know!!

Only one major rule. No going near my island. If I catch you near my island I will kick you out of town without the fish you caught.
Because I am setting up a hunt. You can go by island now cuz its all buried, but dont lemme catch u unburying
Ok I added Cheese and Piranha... I have room for 1, so whoever is here first can come... Other will have to wait
uhm i tried adding you dirtyd and its saying i cant enter that name..?
You dont need to enter my name. It fixes the name once you come to my town. The town is full right now though you will have to wait a moment
Ok great, add me I'll add you in a minute and I'm reopening my gates. I was switching from a windmill to a lighthouse
Ok gates will be opening again shortly for anyone who wants to fish and/or catch bugs. It is still September in the evening here. Unless you wish for a different time of day/year
My WiiSpeak is turned off, so if you use it I wont hear you