Want to recreate GCN/DS style town in NH, Need pointers


Easy-Breezy Lass
May 20, 2020
After not knowing what to do with my island for a long time, I finally decided that I would like to recreate the layered town look that was present in the GameCube Animal Crossing, as well as incorporate features of other titles in the series that I've played.

However, it seems like town generation in the older games was not as well documented compared to NH or even NL. (I did see a few threads discussing "rare" town features in the GameCube version though, which was neat.)

While I'm not looking to make an *exact* replica of the old town layouts, I'd be happy to hear any pointers about what features would be most "memorable" to include. For example:
  • Shape/design of the rivers in each game
  • Unique features (the dump and lighthouse come to mind)
  • Any dream addresses of islands that have tried this
Thanks to any who can help out!
What do you mean by documented? You could find old pictures of maps or boot up the game if you have it.
What do you mean by documented? You could find old pictures of maps or boot up the game if you have it.
Oh, I meant like how people figured out exactly where the rivers could start and end, where the airport and resident services could be, really minute details like that. I don't have access to my older AC games atm, but the videos people linked here will help a lot!
Oh, I meant like how people figured out exactly where the rivers could start and end, where the airport and resident services could be, really minute details like that. I don't have access to my older AC games atm, but the videos people linked here will help a lot!
Well the biggest issue with GCN towns vs NH islands is that the GCN towns had places like the train station and Nook's Cranny in the very top row, whereas the airport is locked to the bottom row. You could do it inverted I suppose, where the 'bottom' of your map is the 'top' of a GCN map, and instead of starting from the highest cliff and working down, you'd start from the bottom and work up as you go back. In that case, you would want the airport (taking the place of the train station) to be as close to dead center as possible. You'd then want Nook's Cranny to be in the bottom row, either on the edge of the grass near the beach or on the beach itself. Conversely, the Able Sisters should be in the topmost row. The museum (self explanatory) and Resident Services (the wishing well plaza) should be somewhere in the middle on opposite sides of the river usually. You'll want a secret beach on that's more on the right side of your island (in my experience, Kapp'n's dock was always on the right in my towns). You'll want a pretty direct path from your airport to your 4 player houses directly north (south in GCN). Like you mentioned, incorporating a lighthouse and using the dirt + fencing to make a dump would also be good touches.