watercat8 said:
Tyeforce said:
ryudo_dragoon said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
No, not at all. DsPet is making junk out of Nintendo's items.
Thank you Tye, I don't believe it is worth taking up REAL DLC space for something that could potentially harm your wii. Just because i believe that the HDLC is junk does not mean I'm ignorant, but that is my opinion. I'm sorry that my opinion ticks you off but that is more your problem then mine now, isn't it drago?
1.It doesn't harm your wii, that is ignorance on your part.
2.I understand your opinion but it's dumb, it's better than any of the crappy DLC Nintendo has made.
3.You have over 250 freakin spots.
4.It's OHDLC, you have no need to look out for it, because you won't see it, the statement, "more junk I have to look out for," was false, it's OHDLC, it's not taking up any more spaces then what is already out. When actual HDLC comes out, you may make that statement.