Watering Flowers


Senior Member
Nov 27, 2008
Well, I've been working a lot on getting flower hybrids lately, and I've noticed something. It's most probably untrue, but it seems like it might be possible. Most of the time, no hybrids grow in my town, but it seems that when I water every single flower that I have, a hybrid pops up the next day. I think that watering an unwilted flower gives it a higher chance of breeding, and producing a hybrid. If you know that it is true/untrue please tell me up front, and if nobody's sure, I would appreciate any help on testing this.
i can definately say this has happened to me... keko first came to my town and i saw him rearranging flowers and watering them when he replanted them, so i immediately assumed watering them helps them to grow hybrids. for a few days in a row i got multiple hybrids - 2 pink roses, 2 orange cosmos, 2 red/orange pansies, pink and purple tulips...
but then i heard that it's useless, although you get the gold watering can to water unwilted roses to produce black roses... and i stopped. now i hardly get any hybrids... :/ i'm going to start watering again, lol.
Lol, I stopped because I heard that it was a waste of my time. After I stopped, I too grew absolutely no hybrids. I think I'm going to do some intense testing of this, with graphs, charts, number crunching, and all sorts of dangerously difficult mathematical equations. :gyroiddance: If anyone wants to contribute to the cause by donating any flowers, all help is appreciated.
i'll be posting my results also... i just made my town perfect beginning my road to the golden watering can, but tomorrow or later today i'm going to be rearranging my flowers to give me the most hybrid possibilities with what i have.
Nedrian said:
i can definately say this has happened to me... keko first came to my town and i saw him rearranging flowers and watering them when he replanted them, so i immediately assumed watering them helps them to grow hybrids. for a few days in a row i got multiple hybrids - 2 pink roses, 2 orange cosmos, 2 red/orange pansies, pink and purple tulips...
but then i heard that it's useless, although you get the gold watering can to water unwilted roses to produce black roses... and i stopped. now i hardly get any hybrids... :/ i'm going to start watering again, lol.
Namedrop, w00t.

I was trying for hybrids awhile back.... then I TTed and killed all my flowers, lmao.

I might try again though. Maybe watering does help, even if they say it's useless.
I hate watering plants but I have to or else they die then I lose my 'perfect' town rating -.- Dumb nature.
Mickey said:
I hate watering plants but I have to or else they die then I lose my 'perfect' town rating -.- Dumb nature.
you only need to water the wilting ones, not all of them every day. =)
Nedrian said:
Mickey said:
I hate watering plants but I have to or else they die then I lose my 'perfect' town rating -.- Dumb nature.
you only need to water the wilting ones, not all of them every day. =)
According to some Time Traveling things I did, new ones wilt every other day xD But I understand ^.^
So far, this is what I've decided I'm going to do for testing. Here are all of the details

-Tests will occur with plots of 2 flowers.
-All color combinations will be tested, excluding ones that involve hybrids.
-3 of each 2-flower plot will be used for testing.
-Tests will last 10 days at a time.

Here are possible factors that I've decided to test.
1. Watering
2. Polinization
3. Season
4. Time Traveling

Now, the questions concerning the factors.
1. Does watering flowers daily increase the amount of flowers produced the next day?
2. a) Do insects affect the germination of flowers?
b)Is it possible that walking through flowers helps them polinate?
3. Does the season affect how many flowers are produced each day?
4. Does time traveling affect flower production?

Ways to test the factors.
1. Water every flower being tested for 10 days straight, and count the number and type of offspring produced. As a control group I will have a seperate set of flowers where I will only water the wilting ones. These two groups will be used at the same testing period.
2. a) & b) Im not exactly sure how I could test this. Any help here would be appreciated.
3. Reapeat the process described in the testing of factor 1 in each season, except the control group will be omited.
4. Reapeat the process of factor 1, except omit the control group. I will test a set of flowers, traveling forward one day at a time for 10 days, and I will record the results. As a control group for this factor, I will not time travel at all for 10 days, and record those results. This test may occur a long time from now, because my parents don't allow me to play video games on weekdays.

Once again, if anyone feels like helping, I will accept any donation of flowers. Just remember, I do not have the ability to play at all on the weekdays, so it could be a little while before I get around to actually getting the flowers.