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Senior Member
Nov 8, 2009
Throwback Tickets
Alright, I've noticed there is a pattern going on in "The Gate" section, Members are posting in 1-2 hours time differences

eg: Wanna go to my town? (Posted at 12:00pm)
Sure, Will add you and be over in a sec! (Posted at 1:30pm)
Oh sry, I was gone... (Posted at 4:00pm)

This can be stop if we get more active members and people start playing the game more! =D
Animal Crossing is a great game loved by all Wii owners round the world and if this forum
can fill up with more active members I think this will be the most popular forum on the NET!! =D

I will do all my best to advertise on my YouTube Channel and Facebook! If everyone else
does the same with whatever connections they have to the WWW it will be most appreciated,
But not only from me, But from the whole AC Community here!

My Contact info:
Youtube - DoubleSlayerXXX
MSN - xil3_crunch-bandicoot@hotmail.com

Now let go get us some new members!!
Who is with me!! =D =D :D
I think Animal Crossing City Folk is just old. Just wait until the new AC comes out for the 3DS. I'm sure this forum will be flooded with new members then.
Tyler the forum will probably die before we get a chance to get the new AC.
If we do survive to the next AC. Jeremy will probably make more YouTube videos and it will boost the population a bit. But if we don't Jeremy will have to work harder.
Nic said:
Tyler the forum will probably die before we get a chance to get the new AC.
I was thinking either that, or we get too off topic and become the blog tree or something... :/

Just keep hoping for one day...
MrMr said:
AC_Andrew said:
What the heck is a 3DS?
Probably too obsessed with animal crossing to even notice.

AC_Andrew said:
What the heck is a 3DS?

Tortimer said:
Is there a specific reason as to why people think this forum will die before AC3D3 comes out...?
Because since City Folk died, activity just went straight to anything but Animal Crossing, and since the 3DS won't be out until March 2011 or so, by that time everyone figures that nobody will want to even play it.
Rorato said:
Tortimer said:
Is there a specific reason as to why people think this forum will die before AC3D3 comes out...?
Because since City Folk died, activity just went straight to anything but Animal Crossing, and since the 3DS won't be out until March 2011 or so, by that time everyone figures that nobody will want to even play it.
The forum has been around since 2004. It has never died or come close to dying.
Jeremy said:
Rorato said:
Tortimer said:
Is there a specific reason as to why people think this forum will die before AC3D3 comes out...?
Because since City Folk died, activity just went straight to anything but Animal Crossing, and since the 3DS won't be out until March 2011 or so, by that time everyone figures that nobody will want to even play it.
The forum has been around since 2004. It has never died or come close to dying.
Thanks for clearing it up. I thought it was strange that people thought it was dying. I've been visiting TBT off and on and I've never seen it anywhere near dying. It always seems very active.