weed growth mechanics?


Apr 3, 2020

the town i'm making centers around fall's fully grown weeds. i cycled a few villagers out days ago, but before that i planted a test field of weeds and they grew from nothing to everything.

though now that i'm not cycling, no matter how many days i TT up, one by one or all at once (i tried skipping from april to sept... nada), the others ive planted will not grow tall anymore. is the growth mechanic based on something i'm unaware of? or is it, instead of by logins or by clock time, perhaps by actual playtime hours or something? when i was cycling villagers out, i was talking to all the ones i wanted to keep every few days or every day which took some time

— does anyone know much for sure about this? was thinking of perhaps leaving my system idle and plugged in or something
I am not sure how they work... but I realised that after I planted a field of them, they begann to spread around that field. So It seems that the more you have in one place, the more will spawn around it.

When you plant them you will always place the small ones. They will gradually grow but only on days you are logged in. So when you are time-travelling from april to september nothing will happen. However, when you play day bay day they will spread and grow. It took them about one week in my game to be fully grown
thanks for the response! i mentioned i tt'd day by day and played normally for a couple of months though, and my weeds still would not grow at all
How many weeds do you have?

I realised that in the beginning weeds only grew sporadically. But after I got rid of most of them, those that remain started growing and spreading. Does make sense because otherwhise all your weeds would look the same after a while when they are fully grown.
oh! i planted... 300. so i guess i'll try growing a patch at a time, then. thank you!