Weird guy at bridge?


Deleted User

So I was making money then went to sell stuff at nooks, then as I was running back to my house, a guy named Pascal was at the bridge. I talked to him and he told me some hippie stuff then swam down the river.
A White Scallop? Where can you find that, down at the beach?
I thought it was the scallop, not the white scallop.

Scallops and white scallops both appear at the beach with the other shells...I always pick scallops up and save them for when pascal appears. If you give Pascal a scallop he gives you a piece of pirate furniture...maybe it is the white scallop though, I'm not sure.
It Is A Regular Scallop... I Saw Him Before.... Gave Him The Scallop.... Gave Me Furni.... Remember You Dont Get All The Golden Tools The Same Way Now...
D.T. said:
I thought it was the scallop, not the white scallop.

Scallops and white scallops both appear at the beach with the other shells...I always pick scallops up and save them for when pascal appears. If you give Pascal a scallop he gives you a piece of pirate furniture...maybe it is the white scallop though, I'm not sure.
not sure i think both work....
In WW pascal would appear randomly on the beach in the morning and give you furniture and if you did a whole bunch of trading to get a scallop and give ti to him he gives you the golden axe, now apparently he just gives your furniture, since Gulliver became a alien instead of a Sailor Pascal took his place
Oh, so that's why he wasn't giving me any furniture. I didn't know that you had to give him a scallop...