Weird placing.

This is actually pretty common. It is also common for it to be near Town Hall.

I have this in my town. And I had this in my old town.

Mine only have 1 space in between. They are facing opposite ways as well.
Here I have a picture of it in my current town, not my old town. You can barely see it, its on the bottom of the screen. These are 2 spaces apart, in my old town they were 1 space apart

In my town a got a rock the right behind the museum so I when I go to hit it I can only get 4k and you can't even see if you're hitting it...
Anyone else have any weird placed features?

Here's a picture for anyone interested.

SAMwich said:
Anyone else have any weird placed features?

Here's a picture for anyone interested.

Woah thats weird!

Off Topic: Your in your work uniform! <_< :D
Yes, I was still doing jobs, I restarted my town and had to do jobs. That was like 3 days ago.