Looking For Weird Request... I don't know what title to put

Jun 20, 2013
Black Hybrid Rose
White Cosmos
Dreamy Party Popper
Cherry (Fruit)
Blue Hybrid Rose
Spring Shamrock
Famous Mushroom
Happy Ditto Easter Egg
Tasty Cake
Purple Bat Potion
Peach (Fruit)
100% (2799) +
So... Hello!
This may sound some odd, but I'm looking for...

1. A player who can sell Flurry soon

2. A player who wants to adopt this Flurry

So I have someone's Flurry, in need of transporting her to my other town.
The thing is,
this town to take this Flurry looks like where another Flurry used to be.
This town is actually not my town - it was already there when I bought the pre-owned physical copy. And I've been playing this town without resetting.

When I tried to take Flurry in this town a year ago, I wasn't able to. But since I've moved a lot of villagers since then... I think I may be able to take Flurry this time. But not entirely sure...

So!! I want to check if this town can adopt Flurry!
Just checking, don't want to actually adopt your Flurry,
'cause I need to move my friend's Flurry in this town, the Flurry that has inheritance from my friend's town, because that's what my friend wants... if this makes sense.

In short,
I pay for your Flurry.
To check if the dialog to convince her arises.
And, you, who wants Flurry, can actually take her.

If you think you can help, please tell me!

Thank youuuuu
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Hi! I'm not sure if I understood all of that, but I'm thinking your concern is that you couldn't adopt Flurry because the town has had her live in it before? There's a 16-villager cycle, after which the villager can move back in I believe! So if you know that 16 villagers have already moved out while you played, you should be able to move a second Flurry in with no problems :D Is this what you were unsure about?
Hi! I'm not sure if I understood all of that, but I'm thinking your concern is that you couldn't adopt Flurry because the town has had her live in it before? There's a 16-villager cycle, after which the villager can move back in I believe! So if you know that 16 villagers have already moved out while you played, you should be able to move a second Flurry in with no problems :D Is this what you were unsure about?

Thanks for the reply. I mean... I don't know if more than 16 villagers has moved out this town after the previous Flurry because it wasn't my town but the town someone made. So I want to make sure about it, by talking to a Flurry who's boxed up in seller's town. If the 16 cycling is done, the dialog to convince the villager will arise there.

BUT! I don't plan to actually adopt this Flurry in the seller's town. I just want to check, while I'd feel bad if this Flurry is boxed up for me only to be voided... So, I want someone else as well, to take this Flurry.

Would this make sense...?
Ahhh you're looking for two different people, okay I understand now. Sorry I can't help you with that my town is full :c but good luck with the search!