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Weird things in our games...


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2013
Throwback Tickets
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
I have NL and so does my bf. Let's start with his game... There was a weird moment last weekend where it was light at night. The time and date were set correctly so we thought it was a bit strange. This weekend just past, he had Joan in his town on Sunday as usual, but well after 12pm when she's meant to leave. He was playing at maybe 4 or 5pm which is the time the game and DS system showed too.

In my town on Saturday, my club was shut at just before midnight when I went to check out K.K. for a new song. Now even without the Night Owl ordinance, it shouldn't be shut by then I don't think?

Is anyone else having these troubles or are our games randomly glitched or something?!
I once encountered a major color glitch in the game, where there were a streaks of colors (just like in a tv) in certain parts of the map and top screen. It was gone when i quit the game though.
Back in June or July during the Bug-Off, I went to the Plaza to turn in one last bug to see if I could best myself and Nat wasn't there. It was no later than 5:50pm (both 3ds & in-game), so Nat should have still been there until 6pm. I still won the gold trophy, but I was hoping to get another piece of bug-related furniture (which I have since gotten). Weird.
These are odd. :eek: The worst that's ever happened to me is that the game froze when I opened a closet, and Walker refused to visit my back room when he came over recently. But yeah...nothing major.
Upon reading these, they're a bit on the Twilight Zone side! ^o^ A glitch that still haunts me has occurred several times:

I save & exit. Then on the New Leaf start screen, the time of the day looks off?
The only thing I've had happen to me is when I was trying to jail a villager to do the wetsuit trick thing. I cornered this villager right where the river curves, and when I dug holes to surround the villager, they suddenly popped on the very edge. I mean, like, almost floating over the water. o-o
I have encountered no real glitches like this in the game. Only glitch I have ever done is the tweeter glitch.
i've noticed as my boyfriend and i play online that if we come out of doors at the same time or someone's stood in front of it, it pushes the other person slightly either to the left or right.
other than that i've not really noticed anything as bad as you guys are saying, some of them do sound mega weird o_O
I've had the thing where Club lol was closed when it should have been open! It pissed me off because it was Saturday and I wanted to get my DJ K.K. single, lol! I've also had weird fuzziness on my screen while I was on the island... I was on the island by myself, so it wasn't something due to a bad wi-fi connection or anything. It stopped when I went back to my town and saved and quit. Went back into the game, fuzziness was gone. It kind of scared me, though, because I wasn't sure if it was the game or my 3DS messing up. D:
I had Joan at my town way past noon, as well.

To be honest, I just found out she is supposed to leave at noon!

Now I know why she wasn't around last Sunday afternoon.
Haha so not just us then? Kinda glad as it means that the games are not going to suddenly corrupt, but a little annoying as these things shouldn't be happening. Interesting also to see the club thing and the Joan thing repeated!

Oh, and the time of day one, Ben I get that too sometimes...
I did have the game freeze once when I released a bug while standing on a path, I'd earnt 300,000 bells and had been asked for a PWP I'd been waiting for (and still haven't been requested it again :() since my last save that day so that was a massive bummer
I don't think I've had anything weird like that happen (yet)! The only strange thing I think I've had happen is that my screen went discoloured for a tiny moment once. But it was in the blink of an eye, so maybe it was actually something with my eyes, haha.

Oh man, having the game freeze on you like that sounds terrible. What's the PWP you're waiting for?
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The flower arch! I got requested it and found a perfect place to build it as you exit the train station, organised my paths round where it would be once built, and boom, 5 mins after paying it off (thanks to the 300,000 I had on me from island), I let a worthless bug go and it froze! Worse is I had been planning to save right after getting rid of the bug so my pocket was empty for next time I played :(

Ah, that sounds like a lovely place for it! But man, that really sucks. I hope one of your villagers will suggest it again soon enough!
Haha so not just us then? Kinda glad as it means that the games are not going to suddenly corrupt, but a little annoying as these things shouldn't be happening. Interesting also to see the club thing and the Joan thing repeated!

Oh, and the time of day one, Ben I get that too sometimes...
I did have the game freeze once when I released a bug while standing on a path, I'd earnt 300,000 bells and had been asked for a PWP I'd been waiting for (and still haven't been requested it again :() since my last save that day so that was a massive bummer

Ooo, releasing a bug actually death froze your game? Holy moley... :/ Same as the other occasions, I Saved & Exited yesterday evening & then on the Start screen it's like sundown... so I quickly login again. The town is as it should... TROLLED. :0
I was opening my storage to swap some tools from my pockets. The game completely froze and was stuck on the storage screen. I had to hard reset to get it back but it hasn't happen since. *Crosses fingers* Curious though, are you guys getting these glitches from cartridge or digital versions?
after a ceremony for my statue fountain, dizzy and ruby were right next to each other. right when the ceremony ended they both started doing that thinking emotion when they're about to plant a flower, and they did, but the flowers planted right on top of each other. so it was flower planted on top of another flower. i could only take a picture of it with my DSixl though :p i restarted and i really hoped y'know maybe the flowers would still be planted on top of each other (it looked kind of cool actually) but when i went back on it was just the one flower.
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I was at a friends town and this eagle (can't remember his name) suddenly teleported in front of me :/

Once I was planting a red lily and I didn't notice that Boone was doing the exact thing as me (except he planted a purple violet) And the flower went all weird since we planted the flowers at the same time in the same spot...