"We should but first, can you clean this mess?" Jasper gestured around the room. "It's disgusting me and you're the maid around here. It is your job to. Also, don't apologize so much. People won't take you too seriously if you keep that out."
Jasper walked over to Mary's body, looking down at it in disgust. "I never liked this girl. I'm glad she was one of the first to die." Jasper suddenly got an idea. "I'm going to try something." He went over and grabbed a violin. He bent down next to the body and pushed the violin stick into the girl's eyeball. Using a bit of strength, he yanked out the girl's eyeball and looked at it, examining it closely. He asked aloud, "Have you ever wondered what it would be like to peel an eyeball as if it was a simple boiled egg?"
"Well, I have." Jasper set down the violin and held only the stick in his hand, the eyeball spiked through the top, as if it were an ice cream scoop on an ice cream cone. Jasper set to work peeling the eyeball, slowly but diligently.
Jasper watched in amusement as the whole eyeball seemed to melt between his fingers. He laughed. "Well, that was interesting. I need to take care of something before I head to the kitchen. Meet me there once you're done." Jasper stood up, and looked at the maid, awaiting her response.
(When my mum says she isn't mad at me, it normally means she is furious at me. I thought my dad was scary, but my mum... *shivers* is the daughter of the devil!)
"I'm all done cleaning right now, so would it be okay if I were to come with you?" I asked as I put the mop away.
Jasper walked into the study and locked all the doors behind him. There was something important in here that belonged to him. He couldn't let anyone else find out about this. No. If they did, he would be forced to kill them. He pushed a secret panel near the bookshelves and a door appeared. He entered the secret room and closed the door behind him.
Inside, this was Jasper's little room. He kept his knick-knacks and other important items in here. It was perfect for when he wanted to hide his things from other people. He walked over to the small table and grabbed his mask from on top of it. He had owned this mask for a few years but never was inclined to wear it. However, something told him that he would need this mask. He pulled the mask onto his face, making sure that it fit on securely.
The mask was a simple mask, just a black color, with small slits for his eyes, nothing more, and nothing less. Jasper dropped off his medical bag on the bed too. He was sure he had gotten everything. There wasn't too much to his room. Just a side table with drawers and a small bed for sleeping. Once Jasper was done, he snuck back out of the room, unlocked the doors to the study, and sat in the study as normal.
He would join Teela in the kitchen eventually. He just wanted to give her a bit of time to be by herself. He was curious how well she could handle it and if the cattle would try to chase after her. He grabbed his favorite book on murder, sat back, and started to read.
After awhile Daniel had finally reached the bathroom, sliding off what was left of his tattered jacket, he Settled Alice upon it and examined the girl's wounds.
"I'm sorry this happened to you... I never meant for it to go this far yet, and to think that maid did this to You, I feel a little disgusted really." He muttered to the unconscious girl, stroking her cheek gently as he Wished she would wake up soon and tell him she was alright, though that was just wishful thinking. even if She did wake up, it was almost for certain that she wouldn't thank him, It was clear that the girl wasn't very Fond of him.
With a sigh, Daniel brought himself back to his feet, and then went to inspect the sinks, thankfully he found Little towels hung to dry hands, the masked man didn't waste a minute in snatching them up, then draping them into the faucet.
Reaching out and turning the little knobs so the water came on and wet the towel, he gathered the wet Clothe up once more and hurried back to Alice's side, carefully undoing one of his makeshift bandages as he Began to clean the wounds.
Komaeda was a bit puzzled at Suzuya's response - it was definitely not something he anticipated. He thought a bit on the matter, and noticed the slight blush on his face and the corners of his mouth formed into a grin. He realized what was happening here now, but to be honest, he didn't notice this either. It had only been three days after all - how did.. that develop so quickly? Perhaps he could use these feelings to his advantage. All the while, this thinking left a brief pause in the room."What do you mean?" he asked, frowning.