Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

Koizumi Mahiru

"Wait, what? Hold on here, did you say you were going to kill me? Why are you nursing me to health if you want to kill me?"
Koizumi asked, standing up abruptly. "I don't think I understand - how is helping me taking revenge on him? You're just gonna kill me when you're done?" she asked, still a little weak, but prepared to run if she needed to.
Sendo Snekusha ~

Sendo stood up quickly. "If I didn't help you, you would have bled out and died by his hands. But that doesn't matter right now, what matters is that he is still out there; and thirsting for your blood." he said, urging her to sit down. "I wouldn't expect you to understand, but you need to rest now, so don't worry. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Several things ran through his mind after the girl stood up and spoke; it made him reconsider everything. Her words were sincere, he could feel it--she truly wished to live... and in an instant, his hope to free her had quickly transformed into a need to protect her life. Defeated by his own emotions, he slumped back into his chair to think, habitually putting his hat on his head and sliding it downward; the rim shading his eyes. What was this? He'd never felt this way about any of his victims before...! Why did the charity he did for the others feel like such a crime to him now?

.: Philip :.

Philip relaxed into the soft touch, and let his mind process everything he was hearing, seeing as he couldn't talk that well yet, he merely shook his head to let Teela know that he understood her efforts perfectly.

And after about ten to twenty minutes of letting the cloth soak up the blood in his mouth, he spit out the sheet and tried his hand at speaking once more. "Teela..." he choked a little, and put a hand over his mouth not to be rude, it was kind of silly that he thought of manners even at a time like this.

"I have to go.. I need to report this to the authorities, if I can manage that then... I can free you from this.. this place," He paused, taking a moment to actually breath, and he exhaled as he continued to speak, he knew he needed to. "I can make this stop.. I'm sure no one has ever been allowed to escape before, and you have the key to the front door, do you not?.." He slowly questioned, making sure not to speak too fast as it would hurt his tongue too much.

"If you can help me.. I promise to free you, I promise I will come back for you, milady." He managed a small smile after offering this, closing his eyes to let them rest.

.: Suzuya :.

Hours had went by as the Albino was all over the bed, sometimes his foot would wind up on Komaeda's face, and sometimes Suzuya would be hanging off the bed snoring, but all in all he was mostly found cuddling the other's arm and resting his head against the sleeve of said arm.

However, soon it was late enough into the evening that the Albino let out a big yawn, stretching out his legs as he felt his body begin to awake, "Ah, it's morning?-"-cutting him off midway, another decent sized yawn escaped him.

Sleepily inspecting his surroundings the albino could make out two matching mahogany dressers, a long mirror resting in the corner of the room, a fancy blue and gold styled carpet underneath the bed he currently was laying on, and a fresh bowl of candy sitting upon a refined nightstand beside said bed.

Ah, Suzuya remembered that he had went to bed with Komaeda last night..

Almost instantly, The albino turned his attention to the bundled up ultimate luckster, gingerly reaching out to poke his cheek.

"Ah.. Komaeda-san.." he mumbled, a huge smile starting to spread onto his lips as he got the perfect idea on how to wake up the other.

Suzuya crawled to where his face was hovering just over Komaeda's own, and he held his weight with his left hand, and started to tug on his own face with his right, making a lot of silly and weird faces to maybe try to make the other laugh or get spooked when they woke up, tugging on his lips, and eyes and cheeks to make the most classic and unique funny faces he could think of.

"Komaeda, Wake up, wake up desu~" he cooed, trying not to giggle and failing rather miserably, he couldn't help but giggle at his own eccentric mannerisms.

Hunger is what had risen Timmy from his hiding place. He didn't know how long it'd been since he last ate. Granted, that had happened before. But this time he had a well stocked kitchen to make use of. He could be sure most of the premade food was poisoned, but if he cooked something himself surely it would be alright? Then again, that would mean spending more time in one spot. He adjusted the knife in his hand. He could handle one person. Hopefully.

(also is anyone in the kitchen? I lost track of where everyone was at some point ;n; )
I pondered on his offer to a few minutes, taking a corner of the sheet in attempts to wipe the blood from my face. "It won't work. Charles has people working for him among the authoritys. Besides, when he moved here, Charles befriended the police. There's no way they would believe you. They might even send you to an Asylum, thinking you're insane. I wouldn't want that to happen to you. And you're in no condition to go anywhere..." I murmured, finally getting the blood out of my eyes.
Jasper thought for a moment, trying to remember what he had read in her notebook. Finally, a name came to find. Jasper confidently replied, "I do believe her name was Alice Bell. Does it ring a bell?" Jasper laughed at his own joke as he allowed his muscles to relax a bit from all the tension in the air.
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.: Charles :.

Finally it clicked, and with that Charles snapped his index finger to indicate he figured out the mystery.
"Ah! It does ring quite the bell, you fool." Charles scoffed, yet he couldn't help but chuckle at such a lame joke, and he gestured for Jasper to follow him as he made his way towards the dinning table, waiting by one of the chairs as he expected Jasper to pull it out for him.

"Her parents were here before, it was long ago when I was a little younger than I am now.. they did try their hardest to escape, but as you well know, no one ever wins this game." The man teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.


.: Philip :.

"Ah... but so do I, I'm a renowned teacher of these parts, and I've helped the authorities solve many cases, not to mention one of my buddies works for the higher ups." Philip reassured the maid, smiling as he put his hand out to the girl.

"Can you... help me up? I know it might seem futile, but I would like you to trust me on this.. please, you need to help me recover so I can get out of here and then.." Pausing for a minute, he exhaled once more, the teacher wasn't aware of jut how badly he hurt, but it would all be meaningless if he couldn't save the poor souls in this mansion, including the innocent maid. or.. whom he thought to be innocent.

"If you help me recover, I want you to trust that I can save you.. and everyone, I am not a mad man and will not be mistaken for one, that I assure." he winked towards the maid, letting her know just how much confidence he had in this plan.

Jasper followed Charles and pulled out one of the chairs for him before pulling one out for himself and sitting down. Jasper thought aloud, "Oh? So a second generation cattle, eh? What a special little girl she turned out to be." Jasper laughed. "She even manipulated one of our own to help her with her cause. How pathetic."
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I turned to him, my bangs shading my eyes as an evil looking grin appeared, the large cut on my face making me look even more menacing. "Oh... You aren't going anywhere... If you even try to in the stare you're in, I will literary chain you to this bed." I giggled. "And even if you do manage to get help and I'm free of this place, I'll probably be interigated. And we both know I couldn't manage a decent lie, even if my life depended on it. I trust you completely, but if I was marked as insane, and sent off to an isolation room in a straitjacket, what would you do then? If I'm lucky though, they might not even do anything. I don't exist. I have no files, no records. People think I'm dead." I muttered the last part, my grin turning to a frown.
Koizumi Mahiru

"How am I supposed to trust you?"
Koizumi asked cautiously, easing herself down. He just admitted he was about to kill her.. and she was expected to trust him to protect her? Ridiculous - it was the worst lying she's ever witnessed, but she'll play along for now and see what he'll do next.

Nagito Komaeda

"No.. stop it,"
Komaeda mumbled in his sleep when he felt someone beginning to poke him, and stuck out a hand to swipe at the culprit to hopefully signal them to stop. "Let me sleep," he muttered, rolling over in his slumber.
Sendo Sekusha ~

Sendo gathered his thoughts and looked up again, meeting her untrusting gaze. "It's complicated but I've changed my mind about that," he said, knowing how ridiculous it sounded, "I don't expect you to up and trust me, so I'll just say this: It's safer for you with me than anywhere else at this time." he could think of no other words to unravel the mess his tongue had talked him into while explaining himself earlier, and he hoped it would be enough to persuade her to stay where he could protect her--at least until he could show her he was sincere.
Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi thought over his words for a moment, squinting at the man before saying reluctantly, "Fine. At least it's away from that Suzuya guy.. I still don't understand what's going on, but I guess I have no other choice but to trust you, huh? You'd probably kill me if I refuse anyway." Koizumi frowned, getting up again. "I think I'm okay now. But what do you mean by, 'by your side?' You're gonna follow me?" she asked, wincing from the throbbing of her ear. She could only faintly hear him - she's practically half deaf.

.: Suzuya :.

The albino watched Komaeda swat at him, giggling as he lazily avoided the little swats, finding this more amusing than it was probably supposed to be.

"Nope~ I can't let you sleep.. that I cannot do." Suzuya chimed, he ceased in making silly faces and now started to tickle the other, his hands finding their way all over Komaeda's chest and arms as he tickled here and there, a wide smile on his face as he tried his hardest to wake the other, this was turning out to be way too much fun for the albino.

.: Charles :.

"Whom did she manipulate?" This new found information peaked Charles interest, thanking the butler before he took a seat at the table, getting ready to make his announcement soon enough.

"I could take a wild guess.. but I highly doubt I would get it." the man half joked, he wasn't that well at solving mysteries, only creating them.

"Also jasper, be a friend and make an announcement for me? the intercom hanging on the wall to the far left will do, tell the guests and the killers to come at once." he waved his hand at Jasper, waiting for the butler to take his order.

.: Philip :.

"Then I'll hide you, after I get help, no one needs to know that you worked here... alright?" The teacher offered kind words, and reached out to stroke Teela's cheek as he helped himself to his feet, inhaling the cold air of the mansion.

He smiled a strained and rather forced smile at the maid, promising that he would come back. he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead to try to clear any of her worries, and just like that, Phililp stumbled out of the room, unbeknown to the maid would be how Philip had grabbed her key to the manor door quite awhile before this transition, and in mere minutes Philip made his escape, his escape to the outside world of where he would warn the authorities.

(It's hard to manage three characters, so I apologize how short and vague this is, but warning the authorities is essential to escalate this RP and help the story go along~ D; )

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I remained frozen as he left, staring at the door, hoping he would come back. After awhile, I closed my eyes, reality finally giving me a boost to the fact that he truly did leave. "I... I never e-even said I l-loved him..." I whimpered, my voice coming out quiet. Large tears poured out of my eyes, the salty liquid seeming to seep into my skin, drowning away the fullness I had felt for the teacher, leaving in it's wake the feelings of dread, misery, sadness, and greif. But a new emotion mixed with these, one I had never felt before: hope.
Jasper took a deep breath and answered, "Poor Daniel. He's just so childish. I feared that this would happen. Ah, well. His death was inevitable at this point. After all, he was only the new guy."

Jasper stood up from his spot. "Yes, sir." Jasper walked over to the intercom on the wall and picked it up. He cleared his voice before announcing clearly, "Attention all killers and cattle, please make your way down to the dining room asap for a very special announcement from Charles. You have an hour to show up. Failure to do so will result in your death. I'll see you soon." Jasper hung up and walked back over to his chair and sat down. He twiddled his thumbs while he waited for the show to begin.
Sendo Senkusha ~

"Now that's a little rude to assume. I just would have followed you anyway, is all. Haven't I already said I'm not going to kill you?" Sendo replied with a shrug. "There's your answer though. Heh, you couldn't stop me from coming with you if you tried, in your current state." he added with one of his usual grins. He stood up for a second time, adjusting his hat as he did so. Sendo would have preferred that she stay here, but something told him Koizumi wanted to move; judging from her several attempts to stand up despite her injury.

Just then he heard Jasper's voice ring out through the mansion. "Oh dear," he commented, "what now?"
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Hearing the sound of Jasper's voice through the hidden speakers, I went through the cupboards and shelfs, eventually finding a needle with gold thread. I grabbed it, limping down the hallway to the bathroom to clean myself up and sew my cut. Deciding to keep the thread and needle, I managed a fake smile at the nice, even stitches lined up on my forehead on the mirror's reflection, then started to limp down the stairs to the dining room, unaware of what awaited me there.
Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda let out a snort, starting to laugh as he tried to stop the albino, getting up and restraining Suzuya's arms to stop the boy's tickling, planning to get revenge before he heard an announcement, declaring that they have to go downstairs. "Ah.. looks like we'll have to go downstairs. Do you want to keep wearing my jacket?" he asked, getting up and smoothening his shirt, heading towards the door but still listening for his response.

Koizumi Mahiru

"We have to go somewhere, I think.. though it's normal to assume that. You're a killer, aren't you?"
the girl asked, looking at the man suspiciously. "Besides, I never saw you before. You just suddenly.. came."

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya couldn't contain his giggles any longer, laughing in glee as he continued to tickle the other boy, yet as soon as the albino was caught he gasped, closing his eyes and bracing himself for the tickle revenge that would soon come.

Though instead of revenge, a message to come to the dinning area rang over the mansion, causing the stitched boy to open his eyes as he stared up at the other curiously.
"I like this jacket but.. it's yours, so I'll return it?" Suzuya offered with a smile, and as the other got up, the albino did too, following him to the door, and stripping himself of Komaeda's jacket, then holding up the clothing to the other.

"Here~! after you put this on, let's go see what the old gross guy wants~!" Suzuya chimed, rather excited to go with Komaeda around the mansion, and not only that, but also to see what Charles was up to, after all, the albino had plans to kill the old man later on.

.: Charles :.

"Hm, Daniel was one that would easily let himself get enchanted by fantasies, his emotions always got the better of him near the end." Charles sighed, Daniel was a promising newcomer to this manor, and was a welcomed killer in training, it was a little disappointing to know that in the end the masked man had gotten consumed by fancy.

Giving a nod of approval at Jasper's work on the intercom, Charles gestured for the other to come sit once more, and continued to speak his thoughts on the discussion they were having.
"you know, I do believe Daniel fancied you as a brother, the boy was always looking up to you and telling me how much you taught him, it really is a shame."
