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OHH MY GOD the moons??? The andromeda potion??? I am LIVING for these collectibles I am going to have to make a priority list

the rainbow moon and the galaxy swirl are also just... 💯
The whale plush!!! 🥰
And the moon bunny plush... My snow bunny will have a friend to share it's turnips and cabbage with now :D ( assuming I have enough points that is..)
literally my two dream collecitbles omg thank you
Milly, I thought of you immediately when I saw them! I can't wait to see them on your lineup. :love:
Yes!! It's my time to shine! I love the space theme, obviously I love sky skies and stars haha

I was worried how much I can partcipate because in the came for camp I'll be 1) moving 2) starting a new job 3) going on a 6-day overseas vacation but now I gotta push myself to get these collectibles :lemon:
Oh wow @StarlitGlitch you are going to be bizzzeee! Congrats on your new job! And enjoy that vacation!
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