Well I may as well leave....

Ok. I'll reply in that followning matter:

Wel guys I know you will miss me but I need to go. The staff here is so unorginized and most don't respect anyone. I will miss everyone here except a few peoeple who casued this matter. I would like to say a few things:

I never thought this day would come but some of you guys made me really mad and it affected my studies for school. I have been doing worse that usual which is not good. I know that most of you guys are not the blame just TBT is so much fun it is hard to leave. I am still not 100% sure of what I am going to do but for now I will be an anymous user. I will not reply to 75% of the posts and I will check my pms.

Now also the matter was I respected you guys. For the 4 months I have been here things have changed. People have changed. I always respected Smart, Bul, Blast and Smart just some times I got mad at people for talking smack about these people. I don't belive that Storm is a lazy good for nothing and I don't belive that Blast just left for no good reason. Mino you trying to convince us that with all of your alts is dumb.

Now all my friends Tk, SL, Justin, and more I am sorry to say that I don't know. You guys can still talk to me through pms I guess and maybe MPH. TSB we can still have if you want. I'm really just not sure. This is proably one of the toughest descions for a long time.

I know you guys will miss me and some of you would say who cares about a non-staff or high rank. Well that is where you are wrong. I am a very big part of TBT. Being on everyday for a while doesn't mean I have nothing to do. I could be outside and I do go outside but TBT is just one thing that promtes friendship and fun. You guys don't understand how much I contribute. I have created much in Termina Cafe, Pb's Mansion and othe RPGs. Also I have friended almost every member here and we have had fun play MPH, ACWW and MKDS just some 2 or 3 people need to ruin this. If you guys would stop arguing every day over the most stupid stuff maybe I would stay and it isn't everyone's fault.

Also JJ you should consider what you do more. Just saying Bye isn't good enough. At least you could sound sad insted of yes another member gone. Also think before you post. "That art is rubbish and nothing is good. 0/10" At least you could tell them how to improve. That is why most people aren't posting their art any more.

That is all I can think of for now and some of you I am ashamed with. 90% I am leaving but you guys can still convince me to stay. Give me a good few reasons why I sohuld stay and I don't want it from my friends. I want it from the STAFF!
OddCrazyMe said:
Also JJ you should consider what you do more. Just saying Bye isn't good enough. At least you could sound sad insted of yes another member gone. Also think before you post. "That art is rubbish and nothing is good. 0/10" At least you could tell them how to improve. That is why most people aren't posting their art any more.
Umm...did it ever occur in that tiny brain of yours, I didn't sound sad because I'M NOT!? Yes, actually I'm quite happy about your departure! Also I'm quite sure that Minority is going to come along and say "Wow, you should really be demoted because I so very much deserve to be a sage due to all my former alternate accounts and spamming!" yes. Also on the matter of the art dose this sound like flaming?
JJRamone2 said:
6/10 it's okay it could be alot better. The first thing that struck me is that the render sucks. Its horrible. I like the border and the background is kool but on the text you should have used a font that matches the theme rather than visitor, also you should have given the text a better (or any at all) affect and a thinner (i'd reccomend 1 px) stroke. Hope I could help, and you're comin' along!




JJRamone2 said:
make a background that dosn't blend as much or maby add a 10x30 exdrude to make it more viewable. Add a 1 Px Black(or maby white w/ lower opacity) stroke to the text. Get a better render and a good thing to make the picture more viewable is duplicate is layers twice and add sprayed strokes with default settings to both move them apart so you can see them from under the render andlower their saturation to 0. After that set their layer property to "lighten".

Hope I could help.

No...no...i'm quite sure that looks like contructive critisism!


Also i'm not responsible for some few people being SCARED of a bad review!

So as you said
think before you post

OddCrazyMe said:
Give me a good few reasons why I sohuld stay and I don't want it from my friends. I want it from the STAFF!
So your asking everyone to prey down and bow down to you? Ain't happening... I'm beginning to think all you want is attention. No offence.
Give you a few reasons?

1) You're a very big part of TBT, and if you have a problem with someone, PM me.
2) You're a great person.
3) TBT'd be less great without you./
OCM is right! I could be doing more/better things right now. Even though I have over an A average in school, and I've been doing better lately, I bet I could've found a hobby, if I NEVER went to Nsider. OCM is also right that we get no respect. We come here everday have fun, and now guess what there's no fun, all we have are "mature" gamers that want to make big "mature" and boring discussions. And then we have people who just can break every rule, and then we have people who don't deserve the rank they are. TBT better change, or I so might called get off the internet and find a hobby.

Also, you guys may take our being active for granted, but you'll see this forum crumble like it is right now, members have become less active and left, and you see the effects.

Just stop with the dang attitutudes. I'm talking about...uhh....3 people. I'm sick of it, and everyone is. Just stop! I'm leaving, see ya! Hey, my bro just got a new video game which is pretty fun. I guess I'm back to playing video games all the time, instead of just talking about them. Unless some people convince me to stay, I'm leaving too. Also, Storm, like you told me in msn "you hate them more than you like your friends" I guess that's true now, or at least I just dont' want to stay. I know I'm letting a lot people and my friends down, but I made my decision. Some people act like total jerks. So, adios internet forums!!!! Wiiii! (lol, nice :p) Hey, Wii sounds pretty cool now, once you think about it. PKMNMasterSamus's going away party in IRC Chat!
Enough about this 'leaving' business. If you have a problem with someone, PM me. :\