I'm just afraid that Trump won't let it go if he loses.
I have a question. If Darren Wilson ran for president instead of Trump, would it be any better or worse? I know he wouldn't be interested, but at least he is a better person than Trump based on moral characteristics.
I think that it would be repetitively the same amount of animosity and outrage as it is with Trump. You'd have your Neo-Nazi and KKK members endorsing him as with Trump and unwavering "Cops can do no wrong" supporters stand behind him. You'd have your Democrats try to discredit him almost on a daily, and almost ensure a Democrat victory, although much easier than now.
I don't care if Trump wants to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.
But the real question is, will they do it? He can't force them. Plus, that seems like a really rude gesture to make illegal immigrants get out of our country.
This is only one example of why I'm afraid of him being elected president.
But my parents have their hearts set on him. My mom actually said "I have to get to the polls tomorrow so Hillary can't win by one measly vote!" She's prob gonna win the electoral vote anyways so who cares.