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What are some of your favourite memories?

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Clara Oswald

Soufflé Girl
Mar 11, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Red Candy
Green Candy
Yellow Candy
What are some of your favourite memories?

I will start with a couple of my favourites:

I went on a Normandy trip with school a couple years ago and I had the best time even though I had known of my friends with me (it did mean that I could be really quiet though so that was good). We saw the Bayeux tapestry, went to a giant shopping centre and played lots if games like rounders but my favourite part was when we went to the world war graveyards, it sounds weird I know but it was because I was really humbled by the size of them (they are way too big sadly). It was really upsetting to see so many graves but I was really glad that I got to pay my respects to them and thank them. We also went to a German graveyard which wasn't as big and I actually cried then, mainly because some people have this image in there heads that they are all monsters which most aren't (I'm sure there were men in the allies who weren't very nice too). So I felt really glad that I could pay my respects to them too and kinda say sorry for the ignorance of some other people. All in all although it is a sad memory it's one I will always cherish and if you ever get the chance to go, please do. I really want to go back so I can go vist my great great uncle who died in the Somme.

An other memory I like is when I went to town one time, we climbed to the top of trees and went to a little beach under a dual carriageway and we saw kingfishers and fed the fish lettuce (which apparently they like idk). We played truth or dare and explored these tunnels for a bit. After we went to the park and did stupid stuff on the swings (including fall off). Played tag and hide and seek. Climbed this wall and listened to music, watching the world go by (it's great cause you are hidden). It was amazing to forget my problems for a few hours and just be a kid again.
Every year on New Year's Eve my family and my Mom's friend's family go to a fancy steakhouse, and it's delicious and everything is super nice and I love it.
Omg please don't get me started! If I start one thing, I'll remember another. I'll be here typing for three hours at the least!
Any memory involving outer space. Specifically, stargazing :) (as you can tell, I have a huge interest astronomy. )
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Being nearly washed away in Bodega Bay with my friends. We thought it would be fun to play tag with the tide at sunset. It was fun. Terrifying, but also fun.
When I was at camp a few years ago, there was this huge argument in the house so one of the camp leaders took a few of the girls out with the car while things at the house calmed down. We drove around for a while, got ice-cream and such, then when we got back we went down to the ocean. And when we got to the ocean we sat on the deck, and dipped our feet into the ocean. Little did we know there was a milky seas effect that night. We asked if we could swim and she agreed.. It was an amazing and magical night.

If you don't know what the milky seas effect is, imagine northern lights/aurora, but on the surface of the water. It has to do with plankton and stuff. It's basically just dark water until you touch the water, and then it glows green and blue. I don't know the details, all I know is it was extremely beautiful, and it's something I'll never forget.

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The couple of times I've been to Disney World. My nicest memory was getting to hug Mickey.

Playing Mario Party 3 and Super Smash Bros Melee with my sister when we were kids. And when I played Wii Sports with my family for the very first time. Also our nights of Pictionary, Monopoly, and Scrabble.

Sitting at the coffee table and drawing while my grandmother sat in her chair doing cross-stitch watching Wheel of Fortune on the television.
One of my favorite memories is whenever I would watch my brother play video games. He's ten years older than me, so we didn't have much in common other than a love for video games. I would spend hours watching him play Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, and other series for hours on end. Sometimes well past midnight. Then when he moved out for college I got really lonely because I had been so used to doing that. We don't talk anymore, but to this day I still look back on those days I would watch him play with great fondness. Now, whenever I go to visit him, he lets me play with his PS4 and he's the one watching me.
One of my favorite memories is whenever I would watch my brother play video games. He's ten years older than me, so we didn't have much in common other than a love for video games. I would spend hours watching him play Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, and other series for hours on end. Sometimes well past midnight. Then when he moved out for college I got really lonely because I had been so used to doing that. We don't talk anymore, but to this day I still look back on those days I would watch him play with great fondness. Now, whenever I go to visit him, he lets me play with his PS4 and he's the one watching me.

Reading this literally made me teary-eyed. I used to be the same way, but with my younger brother--we're 3 years apart.
My mom was always busy working so she never took me anywhere as a kid. However, I remember this once my friend invited me to go to her family's farm in the rural bit of the country. THAT was lots of fun. We stayed there for a month I believe.

I have to say my best memory was in Scotland with my partner though. Specially when we hiked/climbed Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh.
Scotland was beautiful, the food was spectacular and the people were great too.
1. My first GF
2. First time driving a car
3. Getting accepted into university
4. A vacation I took with my family to Montana
5. Lot's of others.
Some of my favourite memories is playing the Wii with my sister, playing my 3DS with my younger sisters, taking care of snails with my friends, making forts with my friends and playing ACNL on here. There's plenty more, but here are just some ^_^
OH THIS THREAD...ITS OLD...Like so old to the point that 94% of the people who posted on this thread don't come here anymore.

Anyways, some of the memories I cherish most are some from my early childhood.

And even then, most of the memories are in the summer...because summer is good and stuff.
When my sister and I beat Donkey Kong Country 2 together, and when we would take turns playing Yoshi's Island.

One of my favorite memories is when my friends and I hunted for snails. Me, my friends and I went to the quarry to hunt for snails and we walked on a trail. We looked in the shade, basicaly everywhere that snail could be found. By then we collected millions of snails.
At home we prepared the habitats and played with them...

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