What are you craving right now?

Medium rare sirloin steak, garlic mashed potatoes, cornbread, and washed down with a chocolate milkshake!
no pie for you lmango, i bought some bbq chips, but i really wanna stick them in a egg sammy when I get home. MMM
dont really like eggs ;(

anyways i should probably crave lunch but jfc now i want poptarts
lmango. i'm eating a sunday flavored one, it's hella sweeet but so good broturt.

idk if i want to get an omlete today or not, cause I don't want my turtgod to get jealous.
i might, but idk yet. the omelets at my works are really good, they have hella avocado on them. and I <3 dat cado
as a californian i can confirm that is 100% true.
hnng, date fresh made guac. I like putting like hella cilantro in it, like 49% cilantro, 50% avocado, 1% tomato and onion
whaaaaaaaaat, its so freaking good mango. i'm way into herbs, i like put hella herbs in everything, like dill oh lawd bury me in dill when i die, pickle this turt
yeah i hate the smell and the taste

same with pineapples

i dont mind herbs but cilandro oh god
we got some different tastes, i still got my pineapple in the fridge at home. So good to snackle on. MMM
hahah yah we do fo sho turtbro

anyways i finally had lunch some time ago now and i got so much leftovers it will probably make dinner too, aye
A foot long BLT from Subway, with baked Lays potato chips and an ice cold Pepsi. I usually eat this once a week. Yummmmmmm.