What are you grateful for in life?

I'm extremely grateful for my online friends on Hangouts and Discord. If I didn't have them I'd prob go completely insane.
I'm grateful for all the metal music I listen to. It's like crack, I can't get enough!
I'm grateful for
My family, friends and partner
My good health (both)
My ability to learn and find good things in life
I am thankful for my best friend. She came into my life at a time I was struggling with an emotionally abusive online girlfriend. That girlfriend had me so manipulated and depressed. My best friend was the one who convinced me that I do not need that kind of abuse in my life. She helped me become strong enough to leave all the toxic people. My best friend stayed up with me one night when I was crying and having an anxiety attack because of my ex. She stayed up talking with me telling me everything was okay. My best friend honestly means everything to me and I don?t think she realizes how amazing of a person she truly is. She is the reason I am so confident today and the reason I am a better person overall.
I am grateful to everyone who has supported me in life to help me make it so much further than others. :)