*sips coffee* Yuck!

I thought this was
instant coffee, damnit...

Anyway, let's see what you guys are listeni-
*coffee mug shatters* 

*trips over auxiliary cord* OH MAN. THAT WAS LOUD. WHY AM I SHOU- Oh...
*ahem* Anyway...

Hey, you guys like DDR? Or how about Pump It Up? Someone once told me they never
heard of DDR.

Pffft, what a nerd, amirite?

Well, Japanese dancing games aren't for
everyone I suppose and that's fine, but this song sounds cool I think.

It takes classical music,
which I like and makes it sound really upbeat and just makes me wanna bob my head to the beat, you know?

Um... I mean, I do that to
normal classical music anyway

(and they
teased me for it, can you believe some people?! Hey, Felix Mendels- ugh, nevermind...) but yeah, I thought this sounds cool and it reminded me of
you and it's always a cool feeling when something unrelated to someone
reminds you of 'em, right?

Let's tie our hair back for this one and... put out that damn cigarette dude... it's time to DANCE.