Hey everyone!

*takes one sip from my beer glass before the gnarly guitar solo shatters it to pieces* 

Uhhh... anyway...
*unplugs the speaker cord from the wall socket* Gather around, everyone! It's
my turn to share a song.

Pull up a chair

(or a whole bench) and give this one a listen, huh? This one's in French.

Now, I don't speak French
either, but hey... this song speaks to me in a
different language.

A language we as
human beings who have emotions can understand....

A language we sometime struggle with, but deep down inside us, we yearn to communicate in it...

it's a special language and it's a four letter word that starts with "L"...
... Wait, that's not it...

a-anyway, this song is in French, but it's
still awfully cute if you translate the lyrics, huh?

Songs aren't always about what they
sound like, (or its language) it's also about the thoughts they evoke!

So sit back and think some
happy thoughts while you listen to this, yeah? I only share songs on this thread that evoke
good feelings.

Oh and be a
Morbid Angel and bring me another beer, will you?

My Guinness did not meet a
Mercyful Fate this
Black Sabbath.