Yaaawwwn, good morning, everyone!
*blinks really hard* Sorry, I had some butterflies in my eyes or whatever
that was last night, lol.
*coughs up some confetti* Crikey... Late night rabbit hunting,
my apologies, fellas...

ANYWAY, oh, I haven't even stepped in yet, no wonder nobody's looking at me.
*opens the door and my die head blows off* WOAH. TURN IT DOWN FOR A MINUTE, YEAH?
*shoots one of the speakers with my James Bond wristwatch* Pew pew.

OK. Now that I got your atten- .... what?

Why is everyone looking at me as if though I had a bunch of marks on my fa- YOU....
*points at you* You did this.....

Uh, oh yeah, I forgot what I was here for, lol.

Hey, you wanna listen to something in
Spanish? Why the hell not, it doesn't matter if you can't understand it, it sounds cool anyway.

This one's about how despite the weird quirks we sometimes have... the things about us that maybe comes off as vulgar or obscene... just the NOISE or EXPLOSIVENESS we sometimes are... that sometimes, those traits are precisely what someone
likes for whatever bizarre reason.

I can't explain why. That's not our jobs as humans...
unless you're some psychologist or something... but yeah, who knows why.

Point is, we just
like what we do and that's what makes us human, right? Teh feelz.
*monkey wearing a fez and carrying an accordion runs across the room* UHH.... okaaay, I'll deal with THAT while you guys rock out to this one, yeah? THANK YOU!