
...and you were like

"she's gonna lock us in, innit?"

and I was like

"good, tell her to turn the li-" WOAH!

Hey hey, let's put those away lest they spoil, huh?

I've lost my appetite now, thank you very much...

Well... not entirely. You ever had
rabbit ears?

Oh, they're
awfully good.

You don't actually eat them, but rathe- OW, why are you squeezing my hand???

Anyway, speaking of ears...
*glances at you*
*glances back at... whatever I was looking at* I have something pleasant to share with you all today! You know his music! You... might not know his name...
Felix Mendelssohn! 

Woo woo woo woo!

Come on, cheer!
*waves our hands up and down* 
I woke up in the middle of the night singing this piece. We watched this
really nice movie recently and I heard it innit? I mean, I HEARD it... IN it.
(those cooties are getting to me...) I had to pause the
movie and nerd out for a sec.

Oh I'm
sorry, should I say FILM instead?

Crike- OW, why are you squeezing my hand???

Anyway, yeah, this song is cool. I first heard it in Nintendo's "Golf VS." arcade game. The melody loops when you're asked to insert more quarters into the machine to continue playing. Another song of Mendelssohn's that I like...
*glances at you*
*glances back at -WOAH, not at that, I said put those away already!* 
Is the Wedding March. OW, why are y-
(would you cut it out??? we can settle this LATER) Which we all know, really, but I didn't give it a proper listen until I learned about it through Namco's "Libble Rabble".

Basically, cool old video games introduce me to... cool old music. Surprise surprise, I know. What a nerd, huh?
*glances at you*
*glances at the microphone dangling from the ceiling*
*glances at my hand*
*glances at the mirror* 

*glances back at my hand*
*glances back at yo-* W-what was I saying???

OH YEAH. Here. Give it a listen, yeah? OK, bye byeee!


And I was like "we ain't lockin' up."

and then YOU were like "hehehehehehe".